
Access to the education system in Portugal, enrollment, equivalence and recognition of qualifications are key issues. Here you can find useful information whatever the level of education: basic, secondary and higher education.

Learn more about what we are doing in this area.


What are you searching for? What are you searching for?

“In Portugal I found the ideal country to take a degree with international relevance that can push me towards a successful career.”

Marco Teixeira, 27 years old, Mozambique, student

Migrant Support Line

This hotline is working from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Get more information here.

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Bem-vindo ao novo portal do Alto Comissariado para as Migrações

Procuramos reunir aqui um conjunto de informação essencial e de interesse para os migrantes. No entanto, sabemos que este é um trabalho contínuo que nunca está terminado.

Contamos consigo para tornar este site mais completo. Se souber de alguma informação que deva ser adicionada ou corrigida, entre em contacto connosco através do