The Council of Ministers approved on Thursday, March 9, 2023, the resolution that extends, for a period of six months, the validity of Temporary Protection Documents granted to displaced persons from Ukraine in Portugal.
Access the information card in English, Portuguese and Ukrainian.
In the current context of humanitarian response to the armed conflict in Ukraine, we provide information and useful contacts for Ukrainian citizens and their families of other nationalities who intend, for reasons of armed conflict and humanitarian reasons, to live in Portugal, as well as for Ukrainian citizens who are already in national territory, and for all members of society who want to support their hosting and integration.
Information updated at 18.01.2023.
High Commission for Migration (ACM) created a specific
e-mail address to inform citizens who want to come to Portugal, Ukrainian citizens living in Portugal who want to know how to bring their family to the country and to all citizens who want to offer help:
sosucrania@acm.gov.pt Additionally, the Migrant Support Line and the Telephone Translation Service, in Ukrainian, are available on +351 218 106 191 or 808 257 257 (from landline in Portugal), Monday to Friday, between 09h00 to 20h00, and on Saturday, between 09h00 to 17h00.
The Portuguese Government launched the platform
Portugal for Ukraine, describing the responses of the Portuguese State to the conflict in Ukraine. On this site, information is available on sending humanitarian support, protection for displaced people and contacts for those who need help or want to help. Access in
www.portugalforukraine.gov.pt Considering the evolution of the Situation in Ukraine, we suggest consulting updated information, including alerts, addressed to Portuguese Citizens who are in the country at
Also refer to the Embassy of Ukraine in the Portuguese Republic, in Lisbon.
Avenida das Descobertas, n.º 18, Restelo, 1400-092 Lisboa
Консульський відділ екстреної допомоги:
+351 217 929 714 | + 351 961 706 472
Спеціальний електронний лист, створений Bерховний Kомiсарiат з Питань Міграції (ACM) для інформації для громадян, які хочуть приїхати до Португалії:
sosucrania@acm.gov.pt Platform Portugal for Ukraine
Portuguese State actions regarding the conflict in Ukraine, in terms of international action, sending humanitarian aid and the integration and hosting of displaced persons in Portugal.
Portal of the Portuguese Communities
Updated information, including alerts
Consular Emergency Office
+351 217 929 714 | + 351 961 706 472
Expression of interest form – Refugee status – Portugal
Ukrainian citizens who move to Portugal and wish to express their interest in obtaining temporary refugee status should fill this form provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MNE), available in Portuguese, English and Ukrainian.
The Portuguese Government has approved a special measures package to host, protect and integrate people who fled Ukraine to Portugal, engaging public services, municipalities, and civil society. Consult the information cards in Portuguese, English and Ukrainian.
Access also the information cards in image format available in Portuguese, English and Ukrainian.
More information at www.portugal.gov.pt and www.portugalforukraine.gov.pt
Registering and protecting displaced Ukrainian children
Taking into account the need to protect children and youths who arrive in Portugal without an adult responsible for them, the Government has set up a special multidisciplinary group with teams from the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, the Ministry of Justice, the Immigration and Border Service (SEF), and the High Commission for Migration (ACM).
A platform was created to register cases of unaccompanied minors, which also allows the search for foster care available, as well as identifying voluntary transport initiatives on national soil. Contact the platform by filling the form or via the telephone line 300 511 490, open every day of the week, between 8h00 and 20h00.
Information available at www.portugalforukraine.gov.pt
Acess the contact form at https://portugalforukraine.gov.pt/en/contact-form/
Platform SEFforUkraine for online requests for temporary protection
The Immigration and Border Service (SEF) has created the platform SEFforUkraine.sef.pt, in Portuguese, English and Ukrainian, that allows all Ukrainian citizens and their families, as well as any foreign citizens living in Ukraine, to make an online request for temporary protection.
This platform can only be used by people over 18 years old, since minors, due to their vulnerability, need to confirm their affiliation or register their requests at one of the SEF exclusive service bureaus.
The displaced citizens from Ukraine who are in Portugal and need assistance in formalizing this application can use the four CNAIM Norte (Porto), Lisbon, Beja and Algarve (Faro), as well as the more than 140 Local Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CLAIM).
Access the platform at https://sefforukraine.sef.pt/
Information also available at www.portugalforukraine.gov.pt
For further information, please contact SEFforUkraine@sef.pt
Transport of displaced persons from Ukraine
For identification of transport needs and availability, please fill in the contact form and go to www.portugalforukraine.gov.pt for more information.
Housing to accommodate displaced persons from Ukraine
The Portuguese Government created an exceptional regime to the Porta de Entrada program, to accommodate displaced people from Ukraine. The Porta de Entrada programme makes housing available to people temporarily or permanently homeless as a result of an unforeseeable and exceptional event such as the war in Ukraine.
This programme is open to all displaced citizens from Ukraine who have been granted temporary protection under the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No 29-A/2022, of 1 March, regardless of their financial circumstances.
More information at www.portugalforukraine.gov.pt
For identification of housing needs and availability, please fill in the contact form.
Support for the entry of pets of displaced people into Portugal
The Directorate General for Food and Veterinary (DGAV) has established a special procedure to support the entry of pets that do not meet the applicable sanitary conditions into Portugal.
All people displaced from Ukraine accompanied by their pets (or wishing to do so) have a direct contact to the DGAV services for support through:
. Specific contact: acsccdim@dgav.pt
. Direct contact of Official Veterinarians: tcastro@dgav.pt and pdomingos@dgav.pt
More information at www.portugalforukraine.gov.pt and www.dgav.pt
In order to support displaced citizens from Ukraine to regularise the situation of their animals, the Ordem dos Médicos Veterinários (OMV) shares the procedures to be taken after entering national territory. Information also available in Ukrainian.
Ukrainian citizens who are already in Portugal or who arrive in the country and intend to submit a Request for International Protection under the Asylum Law (Law No. 27/2008 of 30 June, as amended), should contact the Immigration and Border Service (SEF)/Asylum and Refugees Office (GAR), located at Rua Passos Manuel, No. 40, 1169-089 Lisbon, or any Regional SEF Delegation or Border Post.
Ukrainian citizens in Portugal can refer to the four National Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CNAIM) Norte (Porto), Lisboa, Beja and Algarve (Faro), as well as the more than 150 Local Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CLAIM).
Address: Av. de França, 316 – Edifício Capitólio, 4050-276 Porto
Schedule: working days, Monday to Friday, from 08h00 to 17h00
Migrant Helpline/Translation Service Telephone: +351 218 106 191 or 808 257 257 (from landline in Portugal)
E-mail: cnaim.norte@acm.gov.pt
CNAIM Lisboa
Address: Rua Álvaro Coutinho, 14, 1150-025 Lisboa
Schedule: working days, Monday to Friday, between 08h00 and 17h00
Migrant Helpline/Translation Service Telephone: +351 218 106 191 or 808 257 257 (from landline in Portugal)
E-mail: cnaim.lisboa@acm.gov.pt
Address: Edifício Administrativo do Parque de Feiras e Exposições Manuel de Castro e Brito Av. Salgueiro Maia, s/n, 7800-552 Beja
Schedule: working days, Monday to Friday, between 09h00 and 12h30, and between 14h00 and 17h30
Migrant Helpline/Translation Service Telephone: +351 218 106 191 or 808 257 257 (from landline in Portugal)
E-mail: cnaim.beja@acm.gov.pt
CNAIM Algarve
Address: Loja de Cidadão – Mercado Municipal, 1.º Piso, Largo Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, 8000-151 Faro
Schedule: working days, Monday to Friday, between 08h00 and 17h00
Migrant Helpline/Translation Service Telephone: +351 218 106 191 or 808 257 257 (from landline in Portugal)
E-mail: cnaim.algarve@acm.gov.pt
Network of Local Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CLAIM): location and contacts here.
The Immigration and Border Service (SEF) provides exclusive bureaus in its Delegations to collect biometric data from Ukrainian minors:
Lisbon Airport
• 09h00 to 17h00
Regional Directorate for Lisbon, Tagus Valley and the Alentejo
• Service Bureau Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar, Lisboa: 09h00 to 17h00
• Regional Department of Investigation and Inspection, Loures: 09h00 to 17h00
• Évora Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 17h00
• Cascais Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 17h00 (working days) and 09h00 to 13h00 (Saturday)
• Portalegre Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 20h00
• Santarém Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 17h00 (working days) and 9h00 to 13h00 (Saturday)
• Setúbal Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 17h00
Regional Directorate for the Algarve
• Regional Directorate for the Algarve headquarter: 17h00 to 20h00
• SEF'S Bureau at Citizens' Advice Bureau – Faro: 08h30 to 16h30
Regional Directorate for the North
• Regional Directorate for the North headquarter: 09h00 to 20h00
• Bragança Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 20h00
• Vila Real Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 17h00
• Viana do Castelo Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 17h00
• Braga Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 17h00
Regional Directorate for the Center
• Regional Directorate for the Center headquarter: 09h00 to 16h00 (working days) and 09h00 to 13h00 (Saturday)
• Aveiro Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 20h00 (working days) and 09h00 to 13h00 (Saturday)
• Espinho Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 16h00
• Figueira da Foz Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 16h00
• Guarda Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 16h00
• Leiria Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 16h00 (working days) and 09h00 to 13h00 (Saturday)
• Viseu Regional Delegation: 09h00 to 16h00
Regional Directorate for the Madeira
• Regional Directorate for the Madeira headquarter: 09h00 to 17h00
Information as of 16 May 2022
For more information: www.sef.pt, sefforukraine.sef.pt www.facebook.com/servicodeestrangeirosefronteiras
Displaced citizens from Ukraine who apply for temporary protection will automatically be given a National Health Service user number (NSNS), as is set in the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 29-D 2022, of 11 March 2022. They now have automatic access to all basic health services, available through the Portuguese National Health Service.
The National Health Service has made available, from 21 March, medical consultation for young people and children arriving from Ukraine, which will operate at Hospital Dona Estefânia (Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central).
More information at http://www.sns.gov.pt/ and www.portugalforukraine.gov.pt
The Institute of Registries and Notary (IRN) made available on Justice Portal a page with the catalogue of services for Portuguese citizens and/or their Ukrainian families that are returning to Portugal, or who wish to leave from here.
The IRN will have 2 desks for in-person assistance dedicated to this situation:
. Registo Civil de Lisboa:
Address: Avenida Fontes Pereira de Melo, n.º 7-11, 1050-115 Lisbon
. Registo Civil do Porto:
Address: Palacete Pestanas, Rua Gonçalo Cristóvão, n.º 371, 4000-270 Porto
The IRN will also have a dedicated option for Portuguese people and their Ukrainian relatives on their service telephone line 211 950 500.
An online form will also be available, on the same Justice Portal page, where it will be possible to make requests.
Having in mind the current situation in the Ukrainian territory, in relation to Students in humanitarian emergency – Nationals of Ukraine, Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES) informs that in Portugal, the conditions to promote respect and protection of human rights through encouraging solidarity and inclusion in an academic context, are ensured.
Access detailed information on this topic here.
DGES: Студенти, які постраждали від надзвичайної ситуації – громадяни України
Беручи до уваги ситуацію, яка склалася на території України, усвідомлюється, що стосовно студентів, які перебувають у надзвичайних гуманітарних ситуаціях - громадян України, в Португалії забезпечуються умови з метою сприяння повазі та захисту прав людини через сприяння солідарності та включенню в академічний контекст.
Отримайте доступ до детальної інформації на цю тему тут.
CP – Comboios de Portugal joins actions of solidarity with the Ukrainian people by offering train trips to Ukraine citizens who enter in Portugal.
To have access to free rail trips to any point of the country, they must present at ticket offices or to the onboard supervisor their passport or other identification document that proves their origin.
This offer is valid for displaced citizens who:
. Enter in Portuguese territory with destination to any point in the country;
. Present themselves at any railway station, informing that they are travelling.
More information here and www.portugalforukraine.gov.pt
The airline TAP is offering seats on flights to and from Warsaw - the closest destination to the Ukrainian border operated by TAP - and the transport of cargo, including medical supplies, food and other humanitarian aid goods.
These seats on the flights and cargo capacity are being managed by TAP according to availability on each flight. To benefit from this facility, humanitarian aid organisations should apply by completing this online form (exclusively for legally constituted organisations, this support is not available to individuals).
More information here and at www.portugalforukraine.gov.pt
• Platform Portugal for Ukraine
The Portuguese Government launched the platform Portugal for Ukraine, with responses from the Portuguese State to the conflict in Ukraine. On this site, information is available on sending humanitarian aid, protection for displaced people and contacts for those who need help or want to help.
Access in www.portugalforukraine.gov.pt
• Platform SEFforUkraine
The Immigration and Border Service (SEF) has created the platform SEFforUkraine.sef.pt that allows all Ukrainian citizens and their families, as well as any foreign citizens living in Ukraine, to make an online request for temporary protection.
Access the platform at https://sefforukraine.sef.pt/
• Service platform for documentary and legal situations
In the special context of support for displaced persons from Ukraine, the Portuguese Government provides a number of services to ease the legal and administrative procedures of citizens or companies.
Consult, in the Justice Portal, the Institute of Registries and Notary (IRN) catalogue of services for Portuguese citizens and/or their Ukrainian families that are returning to Portugal, or who wish to leave from here.
More information at https://justica.gov.pt/Servicos/Medidas-especiais-para-a-Ucrania
• Platform of Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP, I.P)
Platform created by the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP, I.P) to support citizens from Ukraine who, for reasons of armed conflict and humanitarian reasons, intend to reside in Portugal.
Civil society and specifically Portuguese companies can contribute to the social and professional integration of these citizens, registering and expressing their intention to recruit them through the form in https://formularios.iefp.pt/index.php/983354?lang=pt
The platform also has an area dedicated to citizens of Ukraine who are looking for a job in Portugal. To apply for a job opportunity an e-mail, with reference to three areas or professions in which you would like to work in, together with a CV or profile description, should be sent to job.ukraine@iefp.pt
More information at www.iefp.pt/portugal-for-ukraine
• Rádio Comercial Ucrânia
Digital radio with bilingual broadcasting in Ukrainian and Portuguese, which provides useful information on supporting the integration of the Ukrainian community in Portugal. It is aimed at displaced citizens from Ukraine and at Portuguese people who want to make their contribution.
Listen to Rádio Comercial Ucrânia at https://radiocomercial.iol.pt/player/rc-ucrania
• Platform SPEAK For Ukraine
Platform that aims to connect displaced citizens from Ukraine, organisations, individuals and volunteers, to support integration. This platform was created by SPEAK in collaboration with Representação da Comissão Europeia em Portugal and supported by Fundação Ageas.
Acess at https://go.speak.social/ukraine-en/
• Platform W-U We Help Ukraine
Platform WeHelpUkraine.org designed to be a meeting point that establishes the connection between those who need help and those who want to provide accommodation, medicines and job offers.
This platform is a collaborative initiative, promoted by Hugo de Sousa with the support of dozens of people, companies and organisations, as a response of solidarity with Ukrainian citizens.
Access the platform at www.wehelpukraine.org/
Portugal's protection for displaced persons from Ukraine
• Expression of interest form – Refugee status – Portugal, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MNE), in Portuguese, English and Ukrainian.
• Information cards regarding the special measures package, approved by the Portuguese Government, to host, protect and integrate people who fled Ukraine to Portugal, engaging public services, municipalities, and civil society in Portuguese, English and Ukrainian. Access also the information cards in image format available in Portuguese, English and Ukrainian.
• Cards with the address of the Portal of the Portuguese Communities and the e-mail address of the High Commission for Migration (ACM), in Portuguese, English and Ukrainian.
• Flyers with ACM services and contacts (Migrant Support Line and the Telephone Translation Service) in Portuguese, English and Ukrainian.
• Cards with information about the extended service hours of Migrant Support Line and the Telephone Translation Service in Portuguese, English and Ukrainian.
• Guide to prevent Human Trafficking in war situation, available in Portuguese, English and Ukrainian.
• Information leaflet on foreign workers rights and employer's obligations of the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT) in Ukrainian, English and Portuguese.
• Guidance Note on addressing the risks of trafficking in human beings related to the war in Ukraine and the ensuing humanitarian crisis available in English.
• Ukrainian-Portuguese and Portuguese-Ukrainian Conversation Guide, by Porto Editora, available on Infopédia.
• Information leaflet "Contamos Contigo na Escola", published by the Directorate-General for Education in Portuguese and Ukrainian.
. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No 22-D/2023, of 13 March, Extends the validity of Temporary Protection Documents granted to displaced persons from Ukraine in Portugal.
. Order No. 138/2022, of 8 April, Establishes the exceptional social measure, within the scope of duly proven temporary protection, for children displaced from Ukraine regarding the attendance to Kindergarten and Free-Time Activity Centre
. Order No. 3597/2022, of 25 March, Creates exceptional measure in the scope of social action in higher education for Ukrainian students benefiting from temporary protection
. Decree-Law No 28-B/2022, of 25 March, Establishes measures regarding the recognition of professional qualifications of beneficiaries of temporary protection in the context of the armed conflict in Ukraine
. Decree Law No 28-A/2022, of 25 March, Establishes measures to support families and businesses in the context of the armed conflict in Ukraine
. Decree-Law no. 24-B/2022, of 11 March, Establishes exceptional measures within the scope of granting temporary protection to displaced persons from Ukraine
. Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382, of 4 March, Establishing the existence of a mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine within the meaning of Article 5 of Directive 2001/55/EC, and having the effect of introducing temporary protection
. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 29-D/2022 of 3 March, Extends the scope of granting temporary protection to persons displaced from Ukraine as a result of the recent armed conflicts in that country
. Ministerial Order no. 105-A/2022, of 1 March, Second amendment to Ministerial Order no. 1432/2008, of 10 December, amended by Ministerial Order no. 225/2020, of 29 September, which approved the model of the residence permit to be issued to foreign citizens authorized to reside in national territory
. Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 29-A/2022, of 1 March, Establishes the specific criteria for the concession of temporary protection to people displaced from Ukraine, as a consequence of the recent armed conflicts in that country
. Постанова Ради Міністрів № 29-А/2022
Резюме: визначаються конкретні критерії надання тимчасового захисту переселенцям з України внаслідок нещодавніх збройних конфліктів у цій країні
. Law no. 67/2003, of 23 August, Transposes into national legal order the Directive no. 2001/55/EC, of the Council, of 20 July, on minimum standards for giving temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and on measures promoting a balance of efforts between Member States in receiving such persons and bearing the consequences thereof
. Закон N.º 67 від 23 серпня 2003 р.
Резюме: Він переносить у національне законодавство Директиву № 2001/55/ЄС від 20 липня 2001 року про мінімальні стандарти надання тимчасового захисту у разі масового припливу переміщених осіб та заходи, що забезпечують збалансовані зусилля держав-членів щодо прийому таких осіб та регулюють наслідки їх прийому
. Law no. 27/2008, of 30 June, amended by Law no. 26/2014, of 5 May Establishes the conditions and procedures for granting asylum or subsidiary protection and the status of asylum seeker, refugee and subsidiary protection, transposing into internal legal order the Council Directives no. 2004/83/EC, of 29 April, and no. 2005/85/EC, of 1 December
. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 135/2022, of 28 December, Revises the specific criteria for granting temporary protection to displaced persons from Ukraine
Consult the Legislation on Migrations with translated versions in English and Ukrainian at https://dre.pt/dre/legislation-on-migrations