Network of Municipals Friends of Immigrants and Diversity

The RMAD is a pioneer network regarding the conception, implementation and evaluation of structural and sustainable local policies based upon municipal plans transversal to the process of hosting and integration of immigrants at a local level, based on the real diagnose of their needs.

Created by the recommendations from the Common Agenda for the Integration of NPT (more information), with respects to:

  • Valuing policies of integration at a local level;  
  • Improvement of the cooperation between the different levels of governance: national, regional and local
  • Promotion of monitoring of services and policies developed at different levels

Integrant Municipals

The RMAD integrats around a hundred of munipals from the north to the south of the coutrry and the autonomous regions, most of which have already applied the IMAD and some are envolved in Municipals Plans. See the list here.


To join the Network fill in the Application Form of Adherence here and send it to ACM (Rua dos Anjos, nº66, 1º 1150-039 Lisbon).


Alto Comissariado para as Migrações - ACM, IP
R. Álvaro Coutinho, 14
1150 - 025 Lisboa
  • Telefone:(+351) 218106100
  • Fax:(+351) 218106117

Migrant Support Line

This hotline is working from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Get more information here.

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