The Mentors Program for Migrants is an initiative promoted by the High Commission for Migrations, IP (ACM) and developed, in all the country, by a group of local partners, with the purpose of promoting, through volunteering, exchange experiences, assistance and support between migrants.
This action allows, mutual knowledge, in which the differences fade in the resolution of the same struggles, daily worries and challenges.
For the mentored migrants, this measure may mean the resolution of a more important necessity of the daily life or, even though, the opportunity to receive the main support to the accomplishment of a dream.
The mentors, volunteers, can through this experience, develop its personal skills, discovering daily one major opening to the diversity, and pursue its participative citizenship.
For their part, the associated entities see in this experience one enrichment experience of their personal associates, with positive results in the work environment and in the organizational culture.
Is simultaneously one welcoming measure and migrants integration – through volunteer members that support in different areas - and an awareness to the intercultural dialogue, involvement and volunteering with the welcoming society.
Need guidance to solve a specific necessity?
Would like to be followed by a voluntary mentor?
Look for a better contact and knowledge of the portuguese society?
We have a voluntary mentor network that can help, support, guide and follow the necessities solution and/or the daily challenges.
Make the curriculum vitae appealing.
Prepare a job interview.
Be an entrepreneur/businessman, the mentor can give support to make a business plan, a communication plan.
Buy / rent a house: guidance / support.
Better understanding of Public Administration (the services).
Better understanding of the attitudes of my colleagues / neighbors.
Practise the portuguese language.