Local Policies to hosting and integrating migrants

Portugal has registered, over the last years, a positive evolution in the scope of polices both practices of hosting and integration of migrants, to which the State interventions have contribute, the organizations of the civil society and the migrant communities themselves Because it is at a local level that the integration is made! However, assuming that the search of superior levels of integration must be permanent and that a qualitative and efficient jump on the policies of hosting and integrating the migrants it is only possible through a joint work and duly articulated between the different actors, it is crucial to create strategies that grant an join performance of the different entities that act in this area not only at a national level (for example, the National Plans for the Integration of Immigrants 2007-2009 and 2010-2013 and, more recently, the Strategic Plan for Migration), as well as at a local level.
Because the integration is a bidirectional process and the diversity is a factor of local development in that sense some set of plans and tools have been made available to the local policies of integration:
  • Municipal Plans for the Integration of Migrants
  • Documents containing the strategies of joint performance of the different entities that act in the area of migrations, at a local level, and that work for the completion of the multi vector process of immigrants in the Portuguese society.
Tools of support to the characterization and monitoring of the local policies of hosting and integration of migrants.
A pioneer network regarding the conception, implementation and evaluation of structural and sustainable local policies, bases on municipals plans transversal to the process of hosting and integration the immigrants at a local level, based upon a real diagnose of their needs.






Alto Comissariado para as Migrações - ACM, IP
R. Álvaro Coutinho, 14
1150 - 025 Lisboa
  • Telefone:(+351) 218106100
  • Fax:(+351) 218106117

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