Next Door Family 2019

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Do you know that in Portugal there are more than 180 nationalities and over 100 languages are spoken? Certainly in the streets of your city or region there are many people from different backgrounds. Have you ever wondered what brought them to your country, what are their impressions and experiences from living here? Or perhaps you are an immigrant yourself and you would like to have the opportunity to learn more about the Portuguese culture and make new friends, strengthening your integration process in Portugal!
What is the project “Next Door Family” about?
The project "Next Door Family" was created in 2004 in the Czech Republic, and is currently used here since then, with significantly positive outcomes. It results from the "inclusive neighborhoods concept" and relies on the interaction between immigrants and the host society and the importance of strengthening social relationships as a way to contribute to a more effective integration, removing barriers and promoting cultural diversity.
To do so, a family agrees to welcome and host a family they do not know in their home, becoming pairs of families (one migrant family and one autochthonous family) for holding a typical Sunday lunch of their culture as a way of welcoming the "Other".
All meetings will take place on Sunday, November 24th 2019, at the same time across the country and in countries that are associated with the implementation of this initiative, such as the Czech Republic and Spain.
Who organizes it?
In Portugal, this initiative is promoted by the High Commission for Migration, in partnership with public and private entities throughout the country. If you are a local entity and wish to boost this initiative in you county, send us the application form to
The “Next Door Family” takes place in Portugal every year since 2012. There have been many public entities (municipalities and Juntas de Freguesia) and private entities (Immigrant Associations, Youth Associations and others, Cooperatives, NGOs, IPSS and Companies) that all the years are set for implementation at the local level. To that end, a support methodology was defined that integrates 10 steps for its successful implementation. The methodology is part of a brochure that includes all the tools:
How to participate?
Migrant families and autochthonous families who wish to contribute to the integration process of migrants resident in Portugal may participate in this activity.
To participate, families should contact the organizer closest to their area of residence (local authorities, civil society organizations or other), where they can obtain more information and register as a Host Family or Visiting Family.
In order to register you can use the Digital Registration Form or download the registration form and send it by e-mail to the entity closest to your place of residence.
If you cannot register as a family, particularly because you already are working in the area of immigration and you are already aware of these issues, you can register as an Assistant – a crucial element in the monitoring of each pair of families, from enrollment to the date of the meeting, taking part at the lunch.
To do this, simply register with the organizer of the initiative in your municipality, in person or by sending the registration form by mail.
Since 2012, the “Next Door Family” initiative has been attracting the interest of the media, which has thus been associated with the project, emphasizing the coexistence and relations between immigrant communities and autochthonous society in a positive and very comprehensive way. This has been possible to verify in all the editions, with the media impact that the “Next Door Family” has reached in Portugal. Here below are some examples:
RTP | Programa Nós
RTP | Programa Nós
Rádio Comercial
In the previous editions 678 meetings were held, where they were present:
- 1842 Families - 984 immigrant families and 858 autochthonous families
- 5507 Participants and 825 volunteers
Participants from more than 70 different countries: Angola, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Chile, China, Colombia, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Denmark, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominican republic, East Timor, Egypt, England, Eritrea, Finland, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea-Conakry, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sao Tome and Principe, Scotland, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Syria, Taiwan, Tanzania, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela and Wales.
In 82 municipalities, from north to south of the country and autonomous regions: Aguiar da Beira, Albufeira, Alcanena, Alenquer, Almada, Alvito, Amadora, Angra do Heroísmo, Aveiro, Barcelos, Barreiro, Batalha, Braga, Bragança, Caldas da Rainha, Câmara de Lobos, Cascais, Castelo Branco, Chaves, Coimbra, Constância, Coruche, Covilhã, Cuba, Entroncamento, Espinho, Estarreja, Estremoz, Évora, Fafe, Faro, Figueira da Foz, Fundão, Gondomar, Guarda, Guimarães, Lagoa, Lamego, Leiria, Lisboa, Loulé, Loures, Lourinhã, Lousã, Maia, Marinha Grande, Matosinhos, Miranda do Corvo, Mirandela, Moita, Montemor-o-Novo, Montijo, Moura, Odemira, Odivelas, Oeiras, Olhão, Oliveira de Azeméis, Ovar, Paços de Ferreira, Peniche, Ponta Delgada, Portalegre, Portimão, Porto, Póvoa de Varzim, Reguengos de Monsaraz, Salvaterra de Magos, Santa Cruz, Santarém, São Brás de Alportel, Seixal, Serpa, Setúbal, Sintra, Tomar, Torres Vedras, Trofa, Viana do Castelo, Vieira do Minho, Vila Franca de Xira, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Vila Nova de Gaia, Vila Verde e Viseu.  
This is a transnational initiative that takes place every year in other European countries and Portugal has been one of the countries with the largest number of participants.
The photographs on this gallery were taken by the numerous Assistants (volunteers) who join the initiative every year.     

Alto Comissariado para as Migrações - ACM, IP
R. Álvaro Coutinho, 14
1150 - 025 Lisboa
  • Telefone:(+351) 218106100
  • Fax:(+351) 218106117

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