European Citizens

Imagem em Destaque
The High Commission for Migration (ACM, I.P.), as the coordinating body of the working group to follow up the implementation of Law 27/2017 of May 30, which approves measures for uniform application and practical enforcement of the right of free movement of workers and their families, who moves to another Member State, have the purpose, inter alia, of ensuring the broadcasting of clear and accessible information on rights conferred inside the European Union (EU).

Law 27/2017 of 30 May, which has been in force since 1 June 2017, approves measures for uniform application and practical enforcement of the right of free movement of EU workers.

It aims to implement measures to facilitate the uniform exercise of workers’ rights in the context of the free movement of workers. A set of mechanisms is provided to ensure equal treatment of workers from the European Union and their families when they move to another Member-State.

To this end, the law establishes a set of national entities with authority to promote, analyze, monitor and support equal treatment of EU workers and members of their families, without discrimination on grounds of nationality, restrictions or obstacles to their free movement rights.

The specific national entities involved are:

The Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP, I.P.) that regards access to training, to employment, including assistance provided by employment services, and reintegration in the event of unemployment of EU workers;

The National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education (ANQEP, I.P.), and the Directorate-General for Education (DGE), in access to qualification and education;

The Working Conditions Authority (ACT), in terms of employment and working conditions, including pay, dismissal, health and safety at work, membership of trade unions and eligibility for workers' representative bodies;

The Institute of Social Security (ISS, I.P.), on social benefits;

Tax and Customs Authority (AT), in tax benefits;

The Directorate-General for Employment and Labor Relations (DGERT), ANQEP, I.P., and the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES), in the field of access to and exercise of professions or activities;

The Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination (CICDR), in the field of the refusal or restriction of the exercise of any economic, social or cultural rights by any person on grounds of their belonging to a particular race, color, nationality or ethnic origin;

The Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU, I.P.), in access to housing;

DGE, IEFP I.P., and ANQEP I.P., on access to education, apprenticeships and vocational training for children of European Union workers;

The Directorate-General for Economic Activities (DGAE), in the framework of liaison between economic activities and their operators and foreign workers and their families.

These entities, by their competence, provide the necessary information to all EU citizens, by obtaining legal advice and access to judicial sponsorship mechanisms to ensure effective judicial protection of their legally protected rights and interests, under the same terms and conditions provided for nationals.

The High Commission for Migration (ACM, I.P.) guarantees the disclosure of information regarding that Law.

Law 27/2017 of 30 May adopts measures for uniform application and practical enforcement of the right of free movement of workers, transposing Directive 2014/54/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014.

Enter, remain and reside in Portugal
Access to Employment Read more on ePortugal portal, click here | here
Economic Activities Read more on ePortugal portal, click here
Parenthood Read more on ePortugal portal, click here | here | here
Social and Tax Benefits
Social Benefits
Practical Guides
Tax Benefits
Tax Issues (IRS) Read more on ePortugal portal, click here
Access to the Higher Education System Read more on ePortugal portal, click here
Training and Qualification
I need Financial Support to Pay the Rent Read more on ePortugal portal, click here | here | here | here
Discrimination Complaint Read more on ePortugal portal, click here
Racial Discrimination Read more on ePortugal portal, click here

International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024)

The General Assembly of the United Nations approved the International Decade for People of African Descent through the Resolution 68/237, for the period 2015-2024.

The International Decade for People of African Descent emerges from the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, from the 3rd World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Intolerance. The Decade continues until the end of 2024, and comprehends the following domains: recognition, justice, development and multiple or aggravated discrimination of people of African descent.

According to the United Nations, the main goal is to emphasize the need to reinforce the national, regional and international cooperation in regards to the full advantage of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights of people of African descent, as well as their plain and equal participation in all aspects of society.

It is recommended to the States to develop an activity plan: at national level, the States should take concrete measures and practices by means of adoption and effective implementation, national and international, of legal frameworks, policies, and programmes to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance faced by people of African descent, taking into consideration the women, girls and male young people’s particular situation in the following activities:




Multiple or aggravated discrimination

Beyond the developed activities that have been contributing for the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, and in line with the International Decade for People of African Descent, the Alto Comissariado para as Migrações (High Commission for Migrations), I.P., designed, in accordance with the international recommendations, a plan of activities to give more visibility to this theme and promote a more organized and systematic structure throughout the Decade.

The Plan in question includes the production and dissemination of several publications in different supports (brochures, pamphlets, campaigns, DVD), as well as moments of recognition of the African presence in Portugal, mainly through the holding of an exposition and an international conference.

This is an open and dynamic document, which envisions to promote the discussion and eventual conception of further measures and activities, aiming to meet some of the recommendations to Portugal, expressed in the scope of the United Nations’ Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.



(partnership with Batoto Yetu Portugal)

Interreligious dialogue

Portuguese Government, through the High Commission for Migration (ACM), aims to be able to build resources in order to contribute to broader information of the several religious ‘communities living in Portugal, involving a larger number of agents and institutions in this process.



What are immigrant associations and what do they do?

Immigrant associations are privileged spaces for organizing cultural belonging, community and participation, in which people are not mere recipients, but actors involved in defending their rights and promoting conditions of social welfare.
As an inalienable right and a pole of dynamic civic participation and democratic learning, the association is a form of active citizenship in the pursuit of ideas and projects in support of a common cause.
The action of these immigrant associations is dynamic and proactive. Their work is developed in such diverse areas as school support for children and youth, legal support, Portuguese and other countries’ language / culture lessons, leisure activities and cultural / recreational events.
Awareness and information campaigns directed to the Portuguese society, political intervention stocks, on the issues of immigration and the fight against discrimination, and development projects in countries of origin, are also part of the agenda.
In total, spread across the country, there are currently 153 Immigrant Associations recognized by the ACM, I.P., of which 99 are active. These associations represent different countries of origin: Brazil, Angola, Bangladesh, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Russia, China, among others.
To provide all necessary information on associations, the ACM, PI created GATAI - Technical Support Office for Immigrant Associations, operating in CNAI - National Centre for Immigrant Support, Lisbon.
For further information click here.

Network of Intercultural Mediation in Higher Education (RESMI)

Portuguese Government, through the High Commission for Migration (ACM), aims to be able to build resources in order to contribute to broader information of the several religious ‘communities living in Portugal, involving a larger number of agents and institutions in this process.
In the last years, the High Commission for Migration (ACM, I.P.) has been promoting an intervention in intercultural mediation through the Intercultural Mediation in Public Services' Project (MISP), which aims to contribute for social cohesion and better life quality in municipal areas where cultural diversity is significant.
The main goal of MISP is to manage diversity with the contribution of local protagonists as mediators. Knowing that universities and higher education institutions can have here an important role, the High Commission for Migration (ACM) invited many institutions to join up in this important goal.
So, in 21st May of 2015, and by occasion of Cultural Diversity to Dialogue and Development Global Day, has taken place the event of constitution of the Network of Intercultural Mediation in Higher Education (RESMI), with the signature, by all the representatives of the 23 Higher Education institutions involved, of a commitment letter.


Leaflet on Services and Contacts of ACM, I.P.


Face-to-face service available without previous appointment
The use of a mask or visor is mandatory

You can still opt for the telephone service, through the Migrant Support Line, app My CNAIM or by e-mail

Migrant Support Line

From 5 March 2022: Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 8 pm, and on Saturday, between 9 am and 5 pm

808 257 257 (landline)

21 810 61 91 (mobile and abroad)

National Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CNAIM)

Face-to-face service available without previous appointment
The use of a mask or visor is mandatory
Av. de França, 316
Edifício Capitólio
4050-276 Porto

Tel: 22 207 38 10
Fax: 22 207 38 17
From Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm

CNAIM Lisboa
Face-to-face service available without previous appointment
The use of a mask or visor is mandatory
Rua Álvaro Coutinho, 14
1150-025 Lisboa

Fax: 21 810 61 17
From Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm

Face-to-face service available without previous appointment
The use of a mask or visor is mandatory
Edifício Administrativo do Parque de Feiras e Exposições Manuel de Castro e Brito
Av. Salgueiro Maia, s/n
7800-552 Beja

Tel: 808 257 257 | 21 810 61 91 (Migrant Support Line)
From Monday to Friday, between 9:00 am and 12:30 pm, and 2:00 pm and 5:30 pm

CNAIM Algarve
Face-to-face service available without previous appointment
The use of a mask or visor is mandatory
Loja do Cidadão
Mercado Municipal, 1.º Piso
Largo Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro 8000-151 Faro

Tel: 808 257 257 | 21 810 61 91 (Migrant Support Line)
From Monday to Friday, between 8:30 am and 5 pm



COVID-19 vaccination: online platform for registration of foreign citizens without a SNS (National Health Service) user number

Information cards on COVID-19 vaccination:

. Arabic (ar)
. English (en)
. French (fr)
. Hindi (hi)
. Mandarin (zh)
. Nepalese (ne)
. Portuguese (pt)
. Romanian (ro)
. Russian (ro)
. Spanish (es)
. Thai (th)
. Ukrainian (uk)

If you have a SNS (National Health Service) user number, please self-schedule your appointment

If you need support with registration and/or self-scheduling, or if you are facing constraints in the process, you can contact us by e-mail:

More information about the COVID-19 vaccination

Lockdown Easing Plan: Schedule and Rules

Lockdown Easing FAQ's

Doctors of the World Portugal' Guide on COVID-19:

. Arabic (ar)
. Bengali (bn)
. English (en)
. Finnish (fi)
. French (fr)
. Fula (ff)
. German (de)
. Hebrew (he)
. Hindi (hi)
. Italian (it)
. Japanese (ja)
. Mandarin (zh)
. Mandinga (man)
. Nepali (ne)
. Netherlands (nl)
. Polish (pl)
. Portuguese (pt)
. Romanian (ro)
. Russian (ru)
. Spanish (es)
. Swedish (sv)
. Tigrinya (ti)
. Turkish (tr)
. Ukrainian (uk)
. Urdu (ur)

IOM’s information leaflet on COVID-19, in more than 30 languages.

IOM's three documents about COVID-19 for migrants, in several languages.

The information presented is purely indicative, with the main purpose  to provide general guidance without exempt, at any case, the consultation with the competent authorities and the use of professional advice regarding the addressed themes

Migrant Support Line

This hotline is working from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Get more information here.

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