Law 27/2017 of 30 May, which has been in force since 1 June 2017, approves measures for uniform application and practical enforcement of the right of free movement of EU workers.
It aims to implement measures to facilitate the uniform exercise of workers’ rights in the context of the free movement of workers. A set of mechanisms is provided to ensure equal treatment of workers from the European Union and their families when they move to another Member-State.
To this end, the law establishes a set of national entities with authority to promote, analyze, monitor and support equal treatment of EU workers and members of their families, without discrimination on grounds of nationality, restrictions or obstacles to their free movement rights.
The specific national entities involved are:
The Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP, I.P.) that regards access to training, to employment, including assistance provided by employment services, and reintegration in the event of unemployment of EU workers;
The National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education (ANQEP, I.P.), and the Directorate-General for Education (DGE), in access to qualification and education;
The Working Conditions Authority (ACT), in terms of employment and working conditions, including pay, dismissal, health and safety at work, membership of trade unions and eligibility for workers' representative bodies;
The Institute of Social Security (ISS, I.P.), on social benefits;
Tax and Customs Authority (AT), in tax benefits;
The Directorate-General for Employment and Labor Relations (DGERT), ANQEP, I.P., and the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES), in the field of access to and exercise of professions or activities;
The Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination (CICDR), in the field of the refusal or restriction of the exercise of any economic, social or cultural rights by any person on grounds of their belonging to a particular race, color, nationality or ethnic origin;
The Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU, I.P.), in access to housing;
DGE, IEFP I.P., and ANQEP I.P., on access to education, apprenticeships and vocational training for children of European Union workers;
The Directorate-General for Economic Activities (DGAE), in the framework of liaison between economic activities and their operators and foreign workers and their families.
These entities, by their competence, provide the necessary information to all EU citizens, by obtaining legal advice and access to judicial sponsorship mechanisms to ensure effective judicial protection of their legally protected rights and interests, under the same terms and conditions provided for nationals.
The High Commission for Migration (ACM, I.P.) guarantees the disclosure of information regarding that Law.