European Fund to the Integration of Nationals in Third Countries

The European Fund for the Integration of Nationals in Third Countries (FEINPT) has the main goal supporting the efforts made by the member states to ease up, to the nationals of third countries, specially the recent arrived, coming from different economic, social, cultural, religious, linguistic and ethnical background, the integration in the European societies and gaining better conditions of residence.
The great contribute of FEINPT is exactly the definition and execution of national strategies to integrate nationals of third countries, in all aspects of the society, especially considering the principle over which the integration is a dynamic and mutual process that involves the mutual adaptation of all immigrants and residents of the member states  (article 2 of the Council Decision 2007/435/CE).
European Framework
The member states present to the European Commission a project of yearly program to the following year, made according to the multiannual program, and that includes the following elements:
  • The general rules applicable to the selection of projects to finance in the scope of the yearly program;
  • A description of the actions to support in the scope of the yearly program;
  • The financial division foreseen of the contribution of the Fund between the different actions of the program as well as the indication of the amount requested as technical assistance.  
(See this) The Yearly Program of  2013, approved by the European Commission in December of 2013 defines the following actions:  
  • Hosting, Integration, Interculturality Value
  • Municipals Teams of Intercultural Mediation  
  • Studies about immigration and integration of nationals of third countries  
  • Municipals Plans to the Immigrants Integration
  • Capacity of the support services, hosting and immigrants integration
Responsible entity to select applications and execution of the Program
In Portugal it is the General Direction of Internal Administration (DGAI), the responsible authority (AR) for the Solidarity Program and Management of Migratory Floes, in which the FEINP (European Fund for the Integration of Nationals of Third Countries) is framed.
SEE - The DGAI signed with ACM a contract of Delegation of Competences to execute the Yearly Program of 2013.

As Delegate Authority (AD), the ACM is responsible to the selection and the checking the projects, payments to the beneficiary entities and the accomplishment of all necessary legal requirements established by the national and communitarian legislation.

To the execution of the Program, the ACM, as Delegate Authority, opens periods of presentations of application to the several actions.
The project execution ends on the 30th of June.



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Legislação Nacional

Portaria nº 270/2013, de 20 de agosto

A presente portaria define o regime jurídico do financiamento público das ações elegíveis a desenvolver no âmbito do Fundo Europeu para a Integração de Nacionais de Países Terceiros, criado pela Decisão n.º 2007/435/CE, do Conselho, de 25 de junho, incluindo a respetiva Assistência Técnica, para o período de 1 de janeiro de 2007 a 31 de dezembro de 2013.


Legislação Comunitária

Decisão da Comissão C(2011) 1289, de 3 de Março
Altera a Decisão 2008/457/CE que estabelece as normas de execução da Decisão 2007/435/CE do Conselho.

Decisão da Comissão C(2009) 5257 final, de 9 de Julho
Altera a Decisão 2008/457/CE  que estabelece as normas de execução da Decisão 2007/435/CE do Conselho.

Decisão da Comissão C(2008) 795, de 5 de Março
Estabelece as normas de execução da Decisão do Conselho 2007/435/CE, no que respeita aos sistemas de gestão e controlo dos Estados-Membros, às normas de gestão administrativa e financeira e à elegibilidade das despesas para projectos co-financiados pelo Fundo.

Decisão da Comissão C(2007) 3926 final, de 21 de Agosto
Directrizes Estratégicas – Estabelece as prioridades e as prioridades específicas respeitantes à Decisão do Conselho 2007/435/CE.

Decisão do Conselho 2007/435/CE, de 25 de Junho
Cria o Fundo Europeu para a Integração de Nacionais de Países Terceiros para o período de 2007 a 2013 no âmbito do programa geral «Solidariedade e gestão dos fluxos migratórios».

Alto Comissariado para as Migrações - ACM, IP
R. Álvaro Coutinho, 14
1150 - 025 Lisboa
  • Telefone:(+351) 218106100
  • Fax:(+351) 218106117

The information presented is purely indicative, with the main purpose  to provide general guidance without exempt, at any case, the consultation with the competent authorities and the use of professional advice regarding the addressed themes

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