Council for Migrations

The Council for Migrations is the body for consultation, support and participation in the definition of broad lines of action of the ACM, I.P., and in decision-making of the governing council, ensuring the participation and collaboration of public and private entities in the definition and implementation of migration policies.
It is the role of the Council to:
a) Advise on the relevant legal acts’ projects for the rights of migrants;
b) Advise on issues related to public policies, cross-sectorial and relevant, particularly for social inclusion, citizenship and rights acquisition and integration of migrants;
c) Participate in the definition of measures and actions of immigration policies, formulating proposals for its promotion;
d) Advise on any detected obstacles to a speedy and effective response from the Public Administration to the problems of integration of migrants;
e) Advise on the issues put to it by the High Commission;
f) Approve the respective rules of procedure;
g) Perform any other duties assigned to it by law.
The Council works in plenary session, in sections, and regular and special sessions.
The term of office of Board members lasts for three years, renewable for equal periods, and ceases when there is loss of the capacity of representative of the body that has appointed them.
The performance of duties in the Council is unpaid.
The following are part of the Council for Migrations:
a) The High Commission, who chairs it;
b) A representative of each of the immigrant communities of Portuguese-speaking countries, designated by their associations, since the representativeness of these is recognized by ACM, PI;
c) One representative from each of the other three most numerous immigrant communities not included in the preceding paragraph, designated by their associations, since the representativeness of these is recognized by ACM, IP;
d) A representative of associations not affiliated to planned communities in b) and c), designated by their associations, since the representativeness of these is recognized by ACM, IP;
e) Three representatives of the institutions to share or interest in the area of ​​migration, appointed by the High Commission;
f) A representative of the General Directorate of Arts;
g) A representative of the General Directorate for Consular Affairs and Portuguese Communities;
h) A representative of the General Directorate of Foreign Policy;
i) A representative of the Foreigners and Borders Service;
j) A representative of the security forces;
k) A representative of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality;
l) A representative of the General Directorate of Economic Activities;
m) A representative of the Tourism Institute of Portugal;
n) A representative of the General Directorate of Health;
o) A representative of the General Directorate of Education;
p) A representative of the General Directorate of Higher Education;
q) A representative of the Employment and Vocational Training Institute, PI;
r) A representative of the Authority for Working Conditions;
s) A representative of the Social Security Institute, PI;
t) A representative of the Regional Government;
u) A representative of the Regional Government of Madeira;
v) Two representatives of employers' organizations and two representatives of trade unions to sit on the Economic and Social Council;
w) A representative of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities;
x) A representative of the Portuguese Communities Council;
y) Two citizens of recognized merit, domestic or foreign, appointed by the High Commission.
Prior to its current designation - Council for Migrations (CM) - conferred by Decree-Law no. 31/2014 of 27 February, that body was entitled Advisory Council for Immigration Affairs (COCAI).
The Advisory Council for Immigration Affairs (COCAI) was established by Decree no. 39/98 of 27 February and its genesis settled in the felt need - following the creation of the then High Commission's Office for Immigration and Ethnic Minorities (DL no. 3-A / 96 of 26 January.) - to give institutional body, not only informal, the requirements that the creation of the High Commission's Office drove in the exercise of their functions, to promote consultation and dialogue with bodies representing immigrants in Portugal and ethnic minorities, cooperation with social partners, social solidarity institutions and other public and private entities with intervention in this field.
These concerns were also from the Council of Europe itself, in its programmatic lines, pointed to the need for states of their area of ​​influence to ensure the implementation of mechanisms for consultation and participation of immigrants in the work by themselves promoted on the integration and relationships intercommunity.
By entry into force of the DL no. 251/2002 of 22 November, which created the then High Commission for Immigration and Ethnic Minorities, the COCAI integrated ACIME.
With the entry into force of the Decree-Law No. 167/2007, of 3 May, the ACIME gave way to the High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue, PI, abbreviated to ACIDI, PI, as well as a new framework Legal advice COCAI.
With the publication of Decree-Law No. 31/2014, of 27 February, the former Advisory Council for Immigration Affairs (COCAI) came to be called the Council for Migrations (CM), connecting to the current High Commission for Migration (ACM), which replaced the ACIDI.

Alto Comissariado para as Migrações - ACM, IP
R. Álvaro Coutinho, 14
1150 - 025 Lisboa
  • Telefone:(+351) 218106100
  • Fax:(+351) 218106117

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