The Observatory offers two collections of studies, in print, and provides the possibility to promote other lines of editing in digital format.

Collection Estudos ObCig:
This collection promotes the production of a set of thematic and / or relevant studies to the Roma communities, in particular for the design, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this area.

Collection Olhares:
The Collection Olhares, established in 2005, now has 9 published pieces. The ObCig renews bet on this collection, which will be supported paper and digital, pretending to disseminate studies, papers and / or theses of particular interest to the Roma communities. These studies are the responsibility of the researcher or team that proposes.

Observatório das Comunidades Ciganas (ObCig)

Alto Comissariado para as Migrações, I.P. 
Rua Angelina Vidal, n.º 41, Piso 1
1199-005 Lisboa

T. (+351) 218 106 100 | F. (+351) 218 106 117

Sítio ObCig:

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