Observatory of Roma Communities (ObCig)

The Observatory of Roma Communities was created, under the National Roma Communities Integration Strategy, with the main purpose of fostering the making and editing of studies about the communities.
The Observatory of Roma Communities (ObCig) contributes not only to the achievement of some of the measures provided for in the National Roma Communities Integration Strategy, but also for the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies in this area, presenting itself as an engine for the creation of cooperation networks, academic, scientific and institutional, as well as the dialogue between academia and policy makers.
On the other hand, the ObCig assumes the need for deconstructing representations and / or stereotypes about the Roma communities in general, that persist in Portuguese society. Thus, the knowledge acquired and / or produced will be incorporated into various initiatives and / or media that enable achieving that objective.
The Observatory of Roma Communities is an informal unit run by a coordination responsible for the respective scientific activity, and reporting to the High Commission for Migration in achieving the objectives for which it was created.

The Observatory of Roma Communities (ObCig) has the following functions:

a) Help with the creation of public policies for the Roma population from or residing in Portugal.

b) Promote and do research in strategic areas with the knowledge and integration of the Roma population in mind, within an equality perspective.

c) Contribute to the deconstruction of stereotypes, mainly through participating in conferences, seminars, workshops and professional development courses.

d) Promote constructive dialogue between the academy and the political decision makers in order to increase equal opportunities and human rights with the Roma population at its core.

e) Continue with the “Olhares” (Looks) Collection, publishing completed scientific research (results of research projects, master or doctoral theses) in print edition, with a particular interest in the awareness of Roma communities and sustained political decision.

f) Create the ObCig Studies Collection in print edition, with no detriment to the creation of other collections, for the purpose of promoting the development of thematic scientific research in the Strategy’s areas (or similar).

g) Make completed and unpublished research available, such as master dissertations and doctoral theses, on the ObCig website.

h) Promote the layout of brochures that contribute to scientifically supported deconstruction of stereotypes. 

i) Promote national and international conferences, namely in the several areas of the National Strategy for the Integration of Roma Communities (ENICC).

j) Establish a network of partnerships with national and international Research Centres.

k) Participate in international research projects that seek to further existing awareness or produce new knowledge about the Roma community in a compared perspective.

l) Participate in academic scientific and social promotion and dissemination networks.

m) Create an international network of partnerships with non-governmental agencies that work with the Roma population and, on a global scale, with problems related to Human Rights.

n) Create a scientific and informative Newsletter.

o) Participate in national and international congresses, conferences and seminars, disseminating the scientific activity of the ObCig and public policies for the integration of the Roma population.

p) Participate in relevant international meetings regarding the objectives of the ObCig and the High Commission for Migrations.

Maria José Casa-Nova, Assitant Professor, Coordinator since January, 2018

Inês Aydin, researcher


The Observatory offers two collections of studies, in print, and provides the possibility to promote other lines of editing in digital format.

Collection Estudos ObCig:
This collection promotes the production of a set of thematic and / or relevant studies to the Roma communities, in particular for the design, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this area.

Collection Olhares:
The Collection Olhares, established in 2005, now has 9 published pieces. The ObCig renews bet on this collection, which will be supported paper and digital, pretending to disseminate studies, papers and / or theses of particular interest to the Roma communities. These studies are the responsibility of the researcher or team that proposes.

Observatório das Comunidades Ciganas (ObCig)

Alto Comissariado para as Migrações, I.P. 
Rua Angelina Vidal, n.º 41, Piso 1
1199-005 Lisboa

T. (+351) 218 106 100 | F. (+351) 218 106 117


Sítio ObCig: www.obcig.acm.gov.pt/

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