
The High Commission for Migration, Public Institution, directly dependent of the Presidency of the Ministers Council, has the mission of collaborating on determining, executing and assessing the public, transversal and sectorial policies concerning migrations that are relevant for the integration of migrants in the national, international and Portuguese-speaking contexts, for the integration of the immigrants and ethnic groups – in particular, the Roma Communities – and for managing and valuing of the diversity between cultures, ethnics and religions.

The High Commission for Migration (ACM, IP.):


  • Promotes the international image of Portugal as a destination of migration;
  • Encourages and streamlines the hosting, integration, participation and professional and civic education of immigrants and their descendants, including through the development of transversal policies, centers and offices to support immigrants that provide an integrated response of public services, and partnerships with civil society, local authorities and immigrant associations, in order to promote cohesion and social solidarity, access to citizenship and strengthening social integration networks and public participation;
  • Cooperates with all relevant entities in the implementation of immigration policy, notably through actions, national and international, of reaching high potential immigrants;
  • Practices functions of dialogue, along with current and potential immigrants in administrative or out of them, without prejudice to the specific competencies of the organizations involved through counseling of those immigrants, the contact with other public and private entities, the use of electronic media as well as the relevant documentation preparation;
  • Manages funds initiatives and action plans of the European Union on migration, where the jurisdiction is delegated to you;
  • Cooperates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through an integrated approach to the dynamics of emigration and immigration, as well as the respective diasporas, particularly in actions to support, encourage and monitor the return of emigrant national citizens abroad or strengthen their bond ties to Portugal;
  • Ensures access for immigrants, their associations and other communities, all relevant information for the exercise of their rights and duties of citizenship;
  • Contributes to improving the collection and dissemination of official statistical data on migration flows, by consolidating data collection or further information which are not directly accessible on primary sources;
  • Celebrates agreements with public or private entities on all matters with an emphasis on the reach, fixation and integration of migrants, particularly with regard to employment, training and employability, entrepreneurship, migration mobility, socio-cultural mediation, housing, health and education, given the local and regional co-development, mobilization of skills and economic and social inclusion;
  • Promotes dialogue, innovation and intercultural and inter-religious education, by supporting associations and valuing of positive interaction and cultural diversity in a framework of mutual consideration and respect for the legal and constitutional requirements;
  • Combat all forms of discrimination based on color, nationality, ethnic origin or religion;
  • Favors learning the Portuguese language and the knowledge of Portuguese culture by immigrants, with a view to better social integration, professional and civic;
  • Fosters research, surveys and observation of migratory phenomena, in conjunction with university research centers and international organizations, to contribute to the definition and evaluation of public policies or legislative initiatives;
  • Develops programs and action to promote inclusion and economic empowerment of current immigrants and their descendants in order to contribute to the improvement of their conditions of life and work for equal opportunities and better recognition and use of their skills and their potential;
  • Develops social inclusion of children and youth programs from more vulnerable socio-economic contexts, particularly the descendants of immigrants and ethnic groups, with a view, among other objectives, the school inclusion and education, vocational training, enhancing employability and community dynamics and citizenship.

Consulte aqui a Lei Orgânica do ACM

Consulte aqui os Estatutos do ACM 

Alto Comissariado para as Migrações - ACM, IP
R. Álvaro Coutinho, 14
1150 - 025 Lisboa
  • Telefone:(+351) 218106100
  • Fax:(+351) 218106117

Migrant Support Line

This hotline is working from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Get more information here.

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