Telephone Translation Service (STT)

The ACM created the Telephone Translation Service (STT) to overcome the language barrier, one of the great difficulties experienced by immigrants in their relationship with the services in Portugal.

In the current context of humanitarian emergency due to the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine, from 5 March 2022, the Telephone Translation Service is available from Monday to Friday, between 09h00 and 20h00, and on Saturday, between 09h00 and 17h00.

The STT offers a database of 107 translators/interpreters that fluently speak, besides Portuguese, one or more languages, and is aimed at Portuguese speakers / foreigners who need to communicate with foreigners and Portuguese citizens / entities.

This service sets a telephone conference between the manager of the service institution, a translator and the migrant.

The service is available free of charge (the customer only pays for the phone call) every working day between 9:00am and 7:00pm, through the Migrant Support Line - 808 257 257 – if you call from land line, the call cost is the same as a local call; and +351 218 106 191 – if you call from a mobile phone.

69 languages and dialects available in the Telephone Translation Service:

Albanês Alemão Amárico Árabe  Azerbaijano
Balanta Baluchi (Paquistão) Bangla/Bengali Búlgaro Chinês Mandarim
Chinês-Wenzhou Chinês-Xangai Crioulo (Cabo Verde) Crioulo (Guiné-Bissau)
Curdo Dari (Afeganistão) Espanhol Farsi/Persa Farsi/Irão
Filipino Francês

Fula (Guiné-Bissau)

Fula (Senegal) Georgiano
Grego Gujarati Haaka (Timor-Leste) Hindi Holandês
Igbo (Nigéria) Ioruba (Nigeria) Indonésio Inglês Italiano
Japonês Kicongo (R. Congo) Kutchi (Índia) Lingala (R. Congo) Lituano
Lori (Irão) Makassarês (Sul Indonésia) Malaiala/Malabar (sul Índia) Mandinga Marata (Índia)
Moldavo Nepalês Norueguês Oromo Pashto (Afeganistão)
Pidgin English (Nigéria) Polaco Punjabi Romeno Russo
Saraiki (Paquistão) Sindi (Paquistão) Somali Shughni (Tajiquistão) Tailandês
Tajique (Tajiquistão) Tamil (Índia, Sri Lanka) Tetum (Timor-Leste) Tigrínia Turco
Vietnamita Ucraniano Urdu Wolof  



1. The client (institution or migrant) calls the Migrant Support Line (808 257 257) via the landline network (or +351 21 8106191 via the mobile network) and requests access to the service of telephone translation;

2. The call is immediately transferred to the STT operator, who asks the following information:

• Name of the institution / service (if applicable);

• Customer Name;

• Customer Telephone Number;

• Language required;

• Desired date and time for the telephone translation service (when the translation can't be immediately made).

3. The operator receives the call and, based on the request of the customer, checks the database of translators in that context:

If the request requires the immediate service:

◦ If there is translator availability, it is connected, putting in telephone conference the translator and the client (if he/she wishes, they may ask the migrant to join the telephone conference, providing his/her mobile phone number or another landline number);

◦ If there is no availability of translator, the operator schedule the service for an hour compatible with the availability of translators database, thus postponing service to that time;

◦ If the request is for scheduling, the availability of translators database is checked and the appointment is made. At the scheduled time, the client connects, the operator places it on hold, contacts the translator and creates a conference between the two.

4. The STT operator remains in line to the conference final, ensuring the smooth implementation of the service;

5. At the final conference the operator makes a brief quality questionnaire to the customer. Importantly, both the operator and the translators are bound to strict observance of professional secrecy and may not disclose to anyone any information obtained in the course of translation, in compliance with the letter of ethics they signed.

More information:
Also watch the service promotion video


Migrant Support Line

This hotline is working from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Get more information here.

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