School education develops in three levels: • Primary School • Secondary School • College Education
Pre-school education is optional and is for children with ages between three years and the age of registration to primary school (six years).
Primary School is universal, mandatory and free, including three cycles:
1st Cycle: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years
2nd Cycle: 5th and 6th years
3rd Cycle: 7th, 8th and 9th years
Secondary school is mandatory and contains a three-year cycle (10th, 11th and 12th school years).
For a global vision of the Portuguese Education System and the several teaching types, visit the Portuguese Education System, you can consult:
The registration should be presented, preferably, in the internet in the informatics platform available in the Portal das Escolas [], with the help of authentication through the citizen’s card.
For candidates with qualifications acquired in foreign countries, whether is primary school or secondary school, the registration, based in the given equivalence, is sent to the teaching and education institution.
Registration in the 1st year of the primary school is mandatory for children that complete 6 years old until 15 September.
Children that complete 6 years old between 16 September and 31 December may enter the primary school, if that is required by the educational responsible, depending on its definitive acceptance of the existence of a vacancy in the classes already established.
The registration should be presented face-to-face or by electronic means, in the school or the public school network from the student’s residence area or professional activity from the parents or educational responsible, in case the students want to attend the private and cooperative education at the planned school.
Registration in the 1st year of the primary school should be presented, preferably, by the internet, between 15 April and 15 June of the previous school year of the one the registration refers, in the school network, in the pre-school education institution or even
in independent public schools, from the student’s residence area or professional activity from the parents or educational responsible.
These dates also apply in case the students want to attend the private and cooperative education at the planned school. (Order no. 6258/2011, 11April).
Regarding the 1st year of the primary school, the registration should be presented, preferably, in the internet in the informatics platform available in the Portal das Escolas [] or, face-to-face, in services indicated by the school network or in independent schools (Order no. 6258/2011, 11April).
For the candidates with qualifications acquired in other countries, the registration in primary and secondary can be done in the normal period for registration is posted between 15 April and 15 June of the previous school year of the one the registration refers.
O aluno maior de 16 anos considera-se matriculado se estiver inscrito e a frequentar com assiduidade um curso, em regime parcial, por sistema modular ou por disciplina, e tenha autorização comprovada do encarregado de educação para o efeito.
The greatest student of 16 years is considered registered if enrolled and attending a course with attendance at part-time, by modular system or discipline, and is authorized proven guardian for this purpose.
The duty to register also applies to homeschool and distance learning.
How can I get more information about pre-school, primary and secondary education institutions in Portugal?
This guide includes information about the following items:
- School name and contacts;
- Extra-curricular activities;
- Educational and training offer at a secondary level;
- Number of children / students and school networks.
If you are looking for a qualification, taking into account pursuing studies and /or a change /retraining into the labour market, check here a centre for training and professional education -

Source: Ministry of Education and Science