Training offer

The High Commission for Migrations (ACM.P.I.) makes available several resources and training offer to citizens, professionals and entities that, directly or indirectly, are linked to the questions of Intercultural and Migrations. These training materials were created in the scope of the ACM, P.I. mission, which is based upon the promotion of a positive and enriching management of the cultural diversity, through intercultural and inter religious dialogue, based on the respect of the Constitution and legislation in place, giving value to the cultural diversity in a frame of mutual development and respect.
The Training of ACM, P.I., does, all over the country, actions of information/ awareness and seminars with the following goals:
Sensitization to the hosting and integration of immigrants in Portugal;  
Training for interculturality.
The interested entities that work, directly or indirectly, in the hostage and integration of immigrants and their descendants may do their request by filling the application form available here

Performing Conditions
The performance of actions does not imply any costs to the applicant entities.  
The applicant entity must:
  • Gather at least 20 and a maximum of 35 participants in each action
  • Ensure a place to perform the action – room with table and chairs displayed in a U
  • Have support equipments – flipchart and markers, computer with access to the internet and a data show.
Available Training Actions
To host and Celebrate: Support Services and Small Ideas
Presenting to the ACM, I.P, as well as the respective available services, in view of a better support to the hostage and integration of immigrants. Suggestion that make the difference in the performance of diversity and promotion of tolerance.

Intercultural Dialogue
Exercise of comprehension of the cultural diversity and of the relation with other in the current world.

Inter Religious Dialogue
Proposal of meditation about the importance of religions and believes in a plural society and world in view of a better comprehension of the relevance of the religious dimension in the process of identity construction and as an expression of culture. Discussion of the concept as an interculturality dimension,
To get to know the festive dates and events access to calendar of events.
Myths and facts about immigration in Portugal
proposal of reflection and debate over “myths and facts” about immigrants in Portugal, based on the scientific knowledge acquired.

Nationality Law
Presentation and legal frame to obtain Portuguese nationality (action to technicians)

Immigration Law
Presentation of the conditions and entrance procedures, permanence, exit and retirement of foreigners of the national territory according to the Immigration Law (action to technicians)

Learn with histories: first steps to interculturality
Reflection to the educative agents about the pedagogic work and use of histories to the childhood, in accordance to an intercultural approach. You may take part of a session of reading and performance of activities with a group of children.

Intercultural Education to youths
Exercise of comprehension of the cultural diversity and of intercultural relationships. Discussion of the concept as a dimension f participation and democratic citizenship.
Intercultural Education
proposal of a deep reflection about the intercultural apprenticeship as a changing process of the practices.

Intercultural Education in school
Proposal of reflection about the way that the intercultural apprenticeship, as a changing process of practices, may be developed in a school context.

Health, Immigration and Diversity
Legal framing of the access to health by foreigner citizens in Portugal and identification of the main barriers. Reflection about the challenges of the interculturality in this context.

Portuguese Gipsies, Citizenship and Interculturality
Reflection about the concepts of citizenship and interculturality in accordance to the cultural diversity present in Portugal. Proposal of analysis and comprehension of the processes of inclusion and exclusion of Portuguese gipsies, throughout the years, and sharing good practices and tips to intervene more equitable and social cohesion.

Alto Comissariado para as Migrações - ACM, IP
R. Álvaro Coutinho, 14
1150 - 025 Lisboa
  • Telefone:(+351) 218106100
  • Fax:(+351) 218106117

Migrant Support Line

This hotline is working from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Get more information here.

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