COVID-19: Measures, Guidelines and Recommendations - ArtigoDetalhe - ACM

COVID-19: Measures, Guidelines and Recommendations

In the current context of responding to the epidemiological situation of the new coronavirus / COVID-19, we present here some measures, guidelines and recommendations from the competent authorities and entities, particularly those applied to the High Commission for Migration, its services and customers.

Information updated on 11 February 2022

If you have not yet been vaccinated or haven’t completed your vaccination plan, join the COVID-19 vaccination process.

The “Open House” modality and appointment requests for vaccination are available for people with 18 years old or more who:

. completed the primary vaccination plan against COVID-19 more than 150 days ago

. were vaccinated with the Janssen vaccine 90 days ago or more

. haven't had COVID-19 in the last 150 days

. haven't had COVID-19 in the last 90 days if were vaccinated with the Janssen vaccine

If you fulfill these requirements:

. make your appointment request at

. or go directly to the vaccination centre or the health centre to be vaccinated in the “Open House” modality.

Be aware of text messages sent by the health authorities with information about your appointment request or digital ticket for vaccination. If you do not receive an SMS, you can still be vaccinated in the "Open House" modality.

In the “Open House” modality you can also request a digital ticket for the desired location and time at

More information at:


"The Task Force calls on all migrants who have not yet been vaccinated, regardless of their legal status in Portugal, provided they hold a valid document that allows them to be identified, to join the vaccination process." Task Force press release of 6 September 2021

Within the scope of the vaccination against COVID-19, the XXII Government created an online platform that allows the registration of foreign citizens who don’t have a SNS (National Health Service) user number in order to be included in the vaccination national plan.

Access the platform

If you have a SNS (National Health Service) user number, please self-schedule your appointment at

You must provide all the requested data in the form, which must be completed and submitted only once. If you need support with registration and/or self-scheduling, or if you are facing constraints in the process, you can contact us by e-mail:

After verification and validation of the data registered on or on, the health authorities will contact you by telephone with the number 808 24 24 24 24 for any necessary clarifications, or by SMS through 2424 with the appointment details to the reference vaccination centre.

Access and share the information cards on COVID-19 vaccination:

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Spanish (es)
Thai (th)
Ukrainian (uk)

Find out more about the COVID-19 vaccination.

Information updated on 11 October 2022

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country caused by the COVID-19 disease pandemic, the XIII Government decided not to extend the situation of alert in mainland Portugal, as well as the termination of validity of various laws, decree-laws and resolutions passed in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic, through the Decree-Law No. 66-A/2022 of 30 September.

Considering the evolution of the country's epidemiological situation and given the strategy for the gradual lifting of measures to combat the COVID-19 disease pandemic, face-to-face service in most public services, such as the National Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CNAIM), is now available without previous appointment.

However, it is still recommended to do a previous appointment at the services of some entities.

The use of a mask or visor is mandatory.

  • Face-to-face service at CNAIM Norte (Porto), Lisboa e Algarve (Faro) is now available without previous appointment 

Face-to-face service at CNAIM Norte, Lisboa and Algarve is now available without previous appointment and in the usual schedules.

You can still opt for the telephone service, through the Migrant Support Line: 808 257 257 (from landline) and 218 106 191 (from mobile and abroad), from Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 7 pm; or by email:

. CNAIM Norte:
. CNAIM Lisboa:
. CNAIM Algarve: 

And by using the app MY CNAIM / Welcome Migrant.

My CNAIM app is an application that facilitates access of migrant and refugee people, as well as citizens of the European Union (EU), to various information, such as documentation necessary for the regularization process, housing, health, education, recognition of academic qualifications, among other relevant data about Portugal. Available for IOS and Android operating systems, in Portuguese, English and Arabic.


  • High Commission for Migration (ACM, I.P.)’ Contingency Plan (Version 1.0, 6 March of 2020)

"The Contingency Plan to be observed in a situation of infection (suspected or confirmed), not only of its workers, but also of the ones of partner institutions that work on the premises of this Public Institute and the citizens (clients) who daily use these public  services.”

  • SEF face-to-face service: attendance by previous appointment only

At Immigration and Borders Service (SEF) the face-to-face service is made by previous appointment only, and wearing a face mask or visor is mandatory.

SEF remains available for information through the telephone service – 808 202 653 (landline) and 808 962 690 (mobile) –, and by email:

More information at

  • Regularisation of foreign citizens and asylum seekers with pending applications at SEF

Information cards about the Decree-Law No. 42-A/2022, of 30 june, concerning the stay of foreign citizens in Portugal and the acceptance of expired documents, in Portuguese and English

  • Grating and renewing of residence permits: simplified procedure

Order No. 5793-A / 2020, of May 26th, implemented a simplified procedure for examining applications for the granting and renewal of residence permits.

On this subject, access the Guide, available in Portuguese (pt) and English (en); and the Information Leaflet, available in Arabic (ar)Bangla (bn)English (en)French (fr)Hindi (hi)Mandarin (zh)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt)Romanian (ro) and Russian (ru).

  • Regularisation of foreign citizens and asylum seekers with pending applications at SEF

With the Order n.º 12870-C/2021, of 31 December, which establishes the extension of the scope of orders n.º 3863-B/2020, of 27 March, n.º 10944 / 2020, of 8 November, and n.º 4473-A/2021 of 30 April, the Government has determined that all foreign citizens with pending applications at Immigrations and Borders Service (SEF), whose request was submitted until 31 December 2021, are temporarily in a regular situation in national territory and have access to certain rights and support, including health, social support, employment and housing.

Foreign citizens who do not have pending applications at SEF, until 31 December 2021, may continue to submit their applications; however, they are not covered by the Order mentioned above.

Consult the information cards about the Order n.º 12870-C/2021 and the Decree-Law n.º 119-A/2021, in Portuguese and English.

  • Acceptance of expired documents

With Decree-Law no. 10-A/2020, of 13 March, the Government established exceptional and temporary measures regarding the epidemiological situation of the new Coronavirus/COVID-19, having decreed, among other measures, that documents whose validity expired after 24 February 2020 would remain valid until 30 June 2020. This measure was amended by Decree-Law no. 22/2020, of 16 May, Decree-Law no. 87-A/2020, of 15 October, Decree-Law no. 22-A/2021, of 17 March, Decree-Law no. 119-A/2021, of 22 December, and by the Decree-Law no. 23-A/2022 of 18 February, which establishes that the documents, listed below, are still accepted, under the same terms, until 30 June 2022:

. Citizen Card

. Certificates issued by the Civil Registration and Identification Services

. Documents and visas related to the stay in national territory

. Licences and permits

These documents are still accepted after 30 June 2022, under the same terms, provided that you prove that you already made an appointment for the respective renewal.

Consult the information cards about Decree-Law no. 23-A/2022, of 18 February, and Order no. 12870-C/2021, of 31 December, in Portuguese and English

  • COVID-19 vaccination: foreign citizens without a SNS (National Health Service) user number

Within the scope of the vaccination against COVID-19, the XXII Government created an online platform that allows the registration of foreign citizens who don’t have a SNS (National Health Service) user number in order to be included in the vaccination national plan.

Access the platform

Find out more about the COVID-19 vaccination.

Access and share the information cards on COVID-19 vaccination in English (en)Arabic (ar)French (fr)Hindi (hi)Mandarin (zh)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt)Romanian (ro)Russian (ro)Spanish (es)Thai (th) and Ukrainian (uk).

If you have a SNS (National Health Service) user number, please self-schedule your appointment at

If you need support with registration and/or self-scheduling, or if you are facing constraints in the process, you can contact us by e-mail:

  • Measures for passengers on flights from China to Portugal

The Government established new measures to monitor the SARS-CoV-2 virus for passengers on flights from China to Portugal, as a response to the epidemiological situation of Covid-19 in this country.

All passengers on direct flights from China are subject to:

  • the requirement to wear a mask during flight and to reinforce hygiene measures, including washing hands and disinfection;
  • random, free and mandatory testing (in effect since 00h00 on 7 January 2023);
  • the presentation, upon boarding, of a negative test, PCR or TRAg, carried out no later than 48 hours before the flight (in effect since 00h00 on 8 january 2023).

At the same time, wastewater monitoring mechanisms will be applied at Lisbon Airport and on aircrafts coming from China, in order to identify SARS-CoV-2 viruses and subsequent genomic sequencing.

  • Measures applicable to air traffic to and from Portugal

Following the Recommendation of the Council of the European Union of 30 June 2020, the XXII Constitutional Government has adopted and extended several measures applicable to air traffic to and from Portugal in accordance with the evolution of the epidemiological situation.

The measures applicable to air traffic to and from Portugal in force can be consulted at:

. Portuguese Communities website

. Portugal Airports (ANA)

. Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service (SEF)

. Turismo de Portugal (Visit Portugal)

. European Union website (Re-open. EU)

  • Suspension of deadline for rental contracts

The XXII Government approved an exceptional and temporary regime for counting the duration of housing and non-housing rental contracts, which defines that rental contracts celebrated and with a possible opposition to renewal, remain in force.

The suspension of calculating the time in rental contracts or of their renewals during the vigilance periods in a situation of need, state of emergency or other state of exception declared under legal and constitutional terms, guarantees the continuity of the contracts, as well as the rights and obligations from both parties.

More information on this topic (pt only).

  • Exceptional Support Measures of Social Security Institute (ISS, I.P.)

Social Security, in the context of the epidemic crisis of COVID-19, provides several exceptional measures aimed at the social protection of citizens. The measures, on an urgent and temporary basis, cover the Employing Entities, but also the Independent Workers as well as Domestic Workers. Included are measures covering employment support, family assistance and social protection for isolation and illness.

Access the Information Leaflet on the Exceptional Support Measures – Self-employed Workers, available in Arabic (ar)Bangla (bn)English (en)French (fr)Hindi (hi)Mandarin (zh)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt)Romanian (ro) and Russian (ru)

Find out more about the Exceptional Support Measures for Self-employed Workers (pt only).

Find out about the Exceptional Support Measures in the context of the Covid-19 Crisis (pt only).

  • Support for Work and Employment

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the XXII Government determined a number of temporary and simplified measures for employment support and for companies. Frequently asked questions and answers for Workers and Employers were made available (pt only). 

Find out more (pt only).

  • Suspension of Teaching and Non-Teaching Activities

The XXII Government determined, as of 16 March and reevaluated on April 9 of 2020, the suspension of in-person teaching and non-teaching and vocational activities for students in public, private and cooperative and of social and solidary preschool, basic, secondary and higher education educational establishments. 

Frequently asked questions and answers on the issue, namely on going back to school (pt only).

For more information (pt only).

Domestic violence is a public crime and reporting it is a collective responsibility.

The National Support Network for Victims of Domestic Violence is working. If you need help or are aware of any situation of domestic violence, send a message to the SMS Line 3060 or call 800 202 148. It's a free line, open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG) also has an email service for questions, requests for assistance and emotional support:

Access this information and other safety recommendations.

Access and share the materials for dissemination on social networks.

#EuSobrevivi Campaign

Versions in Arabic (ar)Bangla (bn)English (en)French (fr)Hindi (hi)Mandarin (zh)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt) and Russian (ru).

#SegurançaEmIsolamento Campaign

Facebook: Arabic (ar)Bengali (bn)English (en)French (fr)Hindi (hi)Mandarin (zh)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt) and Russian (ru).

Instagram: Arabic (ar)Bengali (bn)English (en)French (fr)Hindi (hi)Mandarin (zh)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt) and Russian (ru).

  • ESF OP and AMIF’ Calls – Information by e-mail

The requests for information regarding Calls of the Social Inclusion and Employment  (ESF) Operational Programme (OP) and the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) should be addressed by e-mail. 


Access all the exceptional measures (pt only).

The documental control of people on the borders with Spain was exceptionally and temporarily restituted, between 23:00 hours of March 16 of 2020 and 00:00 hours of April 15 of 2020, with the possibility of renewals.

This restitution was again extended until 23:59 hours on June 30 of 2020, through the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 43-A / 2020, of June 12, after having already been carried out by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 22 / 2020, of April 14, by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 33-B / 2020, of April 30 and by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 34-A / 2020, of May 13.

. Posters available in bilingual versions in Portuguese (pt) and Bangla (bn)Hindi (hi)English (en)Nepalese (ne) and Urdu (ur).

. Videos available in Bangla (bn), Hindi (hi)English (en)Nepalese (ne) and Urdu (ur).

  • Materials on the rights of workers in the context of COVID-19 produced by ACM, I.P., and the Social Security Institute (ISS, I.P.), with the support of NIALP – Intercultural Association Lisboa, within the scope of awareness-raising actions carried out in Odemira.

Leaflets in Bangla (bn)English (en) Hindi (hi)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt) and Thai (th).

Videos in Bangla (bn)English (en)Hindi (hi)Nepalese (ne) and Thai (th).  

#EuSobrevivi campaign

Versions in Arabic (ar)Bangla (bn)English (en)French (fr)Hindi (hi)Mandarin (zh)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt) and Russian (ru).

#SegurançaEmIsolamento Campaign

. Facebook: Arabic (ar)Bengali (bn)English (en)French (fr)Hindi (hi)Mandarin (zh)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt) and Russian (ru).

. Instagram: Arabic (ar)Bengali (bn)English (en)French (fr)Hindi (hi)Mandarin (zh)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt) and Russian (ru).

Video about the Support Lines for victims of domestic violence, in Portuguese sign Language.

  • Website Covid19estamoson and app Estamos ON – Covid19

The website and the app Estamos ON – Covid19, created by the Government, gather all the relevant information on the prevention and containment measures to counter the new coronavirus, in order to support citizens, families and companies. These tools allow one to consult the exceptional measures adopted, the authorities’ recommendations, practical advices, as well as the answers to frequently asked questions, all the support provided and the necessary documentation – namely, the forms that must be filled out – among other contents. The app is available for IOS and Android.

Find the answer to some of the most frequently asked questions on the measures to counter the COVID-19 pandemic adopted by the Government.

Access the campaign’s videos (pt only):

. “Não paramos, estamos ON #1 – Fique em Casa
. “Não paramos. Estamos ON#2 – Validade dos documentos prolongada até 30 de Junho
. “Não paramos. Estamos ON#3 – Site
. “Não paramos. Estamos ON#4 – Lojas de Cidadão Encerradas

More contentes on the Agência para a Modernização Administrativa (AMA)’s channel.

  • Directorate-General for Health (DGS)’ Microsite / Ministry of Health (SNS): COVID-19

In this microsite dedicated to COVID-19, the DGS/SNS provides answers to frequently asked questions, recommendations and a variety of relevant documentation; guides for health professionals and institutions; and updated information on the situation in Portugal and areas of the world affected by the disease.

The main recommendations of the DGS are also available in video on this microsite, as well as on this authority’s YouTube channel and Facebook page. Access the versions in Arabic (ar)Bangla (bn)Crioulo of Cabo Verde (cpp)Nepalese (ne) and Romanian (ro).

Access the videos "General Measures" of the DGS in Arabic (ar)Bangla (bn)English (en)French (fr)Hindi (hi)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt)Romanian (ro)Russian (ru) and Spanish (es)

  • ePortugal Portal

The ePortugal Portal gathers information about the vast majority of public services in Portugal (eg. services related to the Citizen Card, social security, certificates, records, finances, among many others). Use the search on this portal to find the services you want, and check if they are available online or by phone.

  • Website for School Support

At a time when Portuguese schools have had their classroom activities suspended, the Directorate-General for Education, in collaboration with the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education, built the site, with a set of resources to support schools in the use of distance learning methodologies that allow them to continue the teaching and learning processes.

The Education and Presidency Governance Area, responsible for Citizenship, Equality and Integration and Migration, also invite all schools to share through this website, initiatives, strategies and solutions for children and youngsters.

Educational action for children and youngsters in vulnerable situations: proposals

The Education and Presidency Governance Area, which oversees Citizenship, Equality and Integration and Migration, presented a set of action proposals, also inviting all schools to share through the site, initiatives, strategies and solutions for children and young peoples.

  • MNE´s Emergency Line COVID-19 for Portuguese people temporarily traveling abroad

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MNE) created the COVID-19 emergency line to provide support to the Portuguese who are temporarily travelling abroad and need help to return to Portugal. This service is based on the e-mail and on the telephone line (+351 217 929 755), available on working days, between 9 am and 5 pm. Outside these hours, this emergency line will be complemented by the activity of the Consular Emergency Office (GEC), open 24 hours a day.

  • Diário da República Eletrónico – COVID-19 Legislation

The Diário da República created a page dedicated to legislation within the scope of COVID-19. On this page, the set of measures, approved and published, directed to citizens, companies and public and private entities, related to the epidemiological infraction by COVID-19, is made available. A consultation can be carried out by thematic area or in chronological order of publication.

Some of the legislation is translated into English.

Access the Legal Translator of the Diário da República Eletrónico.

  • Government of Portugal’s official page

The Government of Portugal´s official website is an elementary source of public information and connection to other entities of the Portuguese State.

The XXI Constitutional Government is also present on social media:

. Twitter: @govpt (and in specific accounts for each of the governance areas)
. Instagram: @gov_pt
. Facebook: @govpt

  • International Organization for Migration (IOM)

IOM produced three documents for migrants about COVID19, available in several languages such as Portuguese (pt), English (en), Arabic (ar), Nepali (ne) and Russian (ro):

I) general information on COVID19
II) information regarding the state of emergency in Portugal
III) psychosocial well-being in a situation of isolation

Other languages will be available soon.

Information leaflet on COVID-19, available in more than 30 languages.

  • World Health Organization (WHO)

WHO Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak
WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Healthy Parenting [Available in 30+ languages at]
UNICEF and IFRC: A guide to preventing and addressing social stigma
UNICEF and IFRC: Risk education and community engagement
UNICEF and IFRC: Key tips and discussion points for community workers
UNICEF Tips for parenting during the coronavirus (COVID-19)
UNICEF Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): What parents should know

  • Mental Health & Psychosocial Support Network (MHPSS)

Briefing note on addressing mental health and psychosocial aspects of COVID-19

  • MHPSS and Communication with children and community

NASP Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus) A Parent Resource 
Inter-Agency Risk Communication and Community Engagement Group (Asia-Pacific): How to include marginalised and vulnerable people in risk communication and community engagement

. Decree-Law No. 57-A/2022, of August 26, Changes measures under the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Ordinance No. 217/2022, of August 31, Proceed to the third amendment of the Ordinance No. 151-B/2022, of 23 May, amended by Ordinances no. 169/2022, of 4 July and 202/2022, of August 3, establishing an exceptional and temporary regime for the reimbursement of rapid antigen tests (TRAg) for professional use

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 73-A/2022, of August 26, Extends the alert situation, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 67-A/2022, of July 29, Extends the alert situation, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 47/2022, of March 30, Extends the alert situation, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No.41-C/2022, of March 5, Extends the alert situation, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Decree-Law No. 30-E/ 2022, April 21, Establishes an exceptional and temporary measures, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No.41-A/2022, of april 21, Declares the alert situation, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 41/2022, of April 14, Extends the alert situation, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No.34-A/2022, of March 28, Extends the alert situation, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No.29-F/2022, of March 21, Extends the alert situation, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No.29-C/2022, of March 7, Extends the alert situation, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

Decree-Law No. 23-A/2022, of February 18, Changes measures under the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Decree-Law No. 119-B/2021, of December 22, Changes measures under the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No.2-A/2022, of November 27, Declares de situation of calamity, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Order No. 291-B/2022, of January 7, Extends the validity of Order No. 11888-C/2021, of 30 November, which approves the lists of countries to which traffic rules apply air, airports and land, sea and river borders and establishes the requirements for the validity of vaccination or recovery certificates issued by other countries, under conditions of reciprocity

. Order No. 291-C/2022, of January 7, Extends the validity of Order No. 11820-B/2021, of November 29, which defines the measures applicable to land borders during the duration the validity of special measures regarding testing

. Order No. 291-D/2022, of November 30, Allows the boarding, disembarkation and land licenses for passengers and crews of cruise ships in ports located in mainland national territory, with the exception of passengers whose origin or destination are countries to which only essential trips are allowed

. Order No.291-E/2022, of January 7, Extends the validity of Order No. 11888-A/2021, of November 29, which defines the terms and requirements of the system for verifying the rules relating to air traffic, as well as the supervision of its operation

. Order No. 12870-C/2021, of December 31, Determines the extension of the scope of Orders Nos. 3863-B/2020, of March 27, 10944/2020, of November 8, and 4473-A/2021, of April 30, which determine that the management of appointments is made in order to unequivocally guarantee the rights of all foreign citizens with processes pending in the Aliens and Borders Service, in the scope of the COVID-19 disease

. Decree-Law No. 119-B/2021, of December 22, Changes measures under the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Decree-Law No. 119-A/2021, of December 22, Changes measures under the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Regional Regulatory Decree No. 16-A/2021/M, of December 21, Adapts the transitional regime of mandatory use of masks in public spaces in the Autonomous Region of Madeira

. Order No. 12354-B/2021, of December 17, Amends Order n.º 11888-C/2021, of 30 November, lifting the suspension of air traffic to Mozambique, and determines the fulfillment of prophylactic isolation of passengers from some southern African countries

. Law No. 88/2021, of December 15, Transitory regime of mandatory use of masks in public spaces

. Organic Law No. 4/2021, of November 30, Extends, to 2022, the exceptional and temporary regime for the exercise of early voting rights for voters in mandatory confinement under the COVID disease pandemic- 19 and for voters residing in residential structures and similar structures, amending Organic Law No. 3/2020, of 11 November

. Order No. 11888-A/2021, of November 30, Defines the terms and requirements of the system for verifying air traffic regulations, as well as supervising its operation

. Order No. 11888-C/2021, of November 30, Approves the lists of countries to which the rules on air traffic, airports, land, sea and river borders apply and establishes the requirements for validity of vaccination or recovery certificates issued by third countries under reciprocal conditions

. Order No. 11888-D/2021, of November 30, Allows the boarding, disembarkation and land licenses for passengers and crews of cruise ships in ports located in mainland national territory, with the exception of passengers whose origin or destination are countries to which only essential trips are allowed

. Order No. 11820-B/2021, of November 27, Defines the measures applicable at land borders during the duration of the special measures regarding testing

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No.157/2021, of November 27, Declares de situation of calamity, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Decree-Law No. 78-A/2021, of November 27, Changes measures under the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Order No. 10703-A/2021, of October 30, Approves the lists of countries to which the rules on air traffic, airports, land, sea and river borders apply and establishes the requirements for validity of vaccination or recovery certificates issued by third countries under reciprocal conditions

. Order No. 10703-B/2021, of October 30, Allows the boarding, disembarkation and land licenses for passengers and crews of cruise ships in ports located in mainland national territory, with the exception of passengers whose origin or destination are countries to which only essential trips are allowed

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 142-A/2021, of 29 October, Changes the measures in the context of the alert situation

. Declaration of Rectification No. 33/2021, of October 13, Rectifies the Decree-Law No. 78-A/2021, of September 29, which changes the exceptional and temporary measures relating to the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Order No. 9573-B/2021, of September 30, Allows the boarding, disembarkation and land licenses for passengers and crews of cruise ships in ports located in mainland national territory, with the exception of passengers whose origin or destination are countries to which only essential trips are allowed

. Order No. 9241-A/2021, of September 30, Approves the lists of countries to which the rules on air traffic, airports, land, sea and river borders apply and establishes the requirements for validity of vaccination or recovery certificates issued by third countries under reciprocal conditions

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 135-A/2021, of September 29, Changes the measures in the context of the alert situation

. Decree-Law No. 78-A/2021, of September 29, Changes the exceptional and temporary measures relating to the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Order No. 9241-A/2021, of September 17, Approves the lists of countries and international sport competitions to which the rules on air traffic, airports, land, sea and river borders apply and establishes the requirements for validity of vaccination or recovery certificates issued by third countries under reciprocal conditions

. Order No. 8652-C/2021, of August 31, Approves the list of countries and international sport competitions to which the rules on air traffic, airports, land and river borders apply

. Order No. 8652-B/2021, of August 31, Extends the boarding permit, disembarkation and land licenses for passengers and crews of cruise ships in ports located in mainland national territory, with the exception of passengers whose origin or destination are countries to which only essential trips are allowed

. Rectification Statement No. 28-A/2021, of August 27, Rectifies the Resolution of Council of Ministers No. 114-A/2021, of August 20, which declares the contingency situation in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 114-A/2021, of August 20, Declares the contingency situation within the scope of the disease pandemic COVID-19 REVOKED

. Order No. 7930/2021, of 12 August, Amendment to Dispatch no. 4879/2021, of 30 April, which creates the Support Unit to the Coordinator of the Task Force for the Elaboration of the «Vaccination Plan against COVID -19 in Portugal»

. Order No. 7746-C/2021, of August 6, Extends the boarding, disembarkation and land licenses for passengers and crews of cruise ships in ports located in mainland national territory, with the exception of passengers whose origin or destination are countries to which only essential trips are allowed

. Order No. 7577-A / 2021, of 30 July, Define the indicators relating to risk assessment and monitoring of the COVID-19 pandemic according to which they may be applicable as measures provided for in articles 35 and 36 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers n. º 101-A / 2021, of July 30

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No.101-A/2021, of June 30, Changes the measures applicable in situation of calamity, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Ordinance No. 164-A/2021, of July 29, Makes the first amendment to Ordinance No. 138-B/2021, of June 30, which establishes an exceptional and temporary regime for the reimbursement of Rapid Antigen Tests (TRAg) for professional use

. Order No. 7374-A/2021, of July 23, Allows the reopening of gambling establishments, casinos, bingos or similar located in high risk and very high-risk municipalities

. Order No. 7374-D/2021, of July 23, Allows the reopening of spas and thermal spas or similar establishments located in high and very high-risk municipalities

. Order No. 7374-F/2021, of July 23, Extends the boarding, disembarkation and land licenses for passengers and crews of cruise ships in ports located in mainland national territory, with the exception of passengers whose origin or destination are countries to which only essential trips are allowed.

. Order No. 7374-G / 2021, of July 23, Define the rules for inspection standards relating to air transport

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 96-A/2021, of July 22, Changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities, in the context of the of the situation of calamity

. Declaration of Rectification No. 24-A/2021, of July 16, Rectifies the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 92-A/2021, of July 15, that changes the measures applicable in the situation of calamity, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Decree-Law No. 60-A/2021, of 15 July, Allows the availability of rapid antigen tests in the form of self-testing in supermarkets and hypermarkets

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 92-A/2021, of July 15, Changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities, in the context of the of the situation of calamity

. Decree-Law No. 56-C/2021, of July 9, Changes the administrative offense regime in the context of calamity, contingency and alert

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 91-A/2021, of July 9, Changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities, in the context of the of the situation of calamity

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 86-A/2021, of July 1, Changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities, in the context of the of the situation of calamity

. Ordinance No. 138-B/2021, of June 30, Establishes an exceptional and temporary regime for the reimbursement of rapid antigen tests (TRAg) for professional use

. Decree-Law No. 54-A/2021, of June 25, Implements in the domestic legal order Regulation (EU) 2021/953, concerning the EU COVID Digital Certificate

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 77-A/2021, of June 24, Changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities, in the context of the of the situation of calamity

. Declaration of Rectification No. 18-B/2021, of June 18, Rectifies the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 70-B/2021, of June 4, that continues with the strategy for lifting lockdown measures, in the context of combatting the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 76-A/2021, of June 17, Changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities, in the context of the of the situation of calamity

. Decree-Law No. 53-A/2021, of June 16, Changes certain measures in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Law No. 36-A/2021, of June 14, Renews the transitory imposition of the mandatory use of masks in public spaces, extending the validity of Law No. 62-A/2020, of 27 October

. Declaration of Rectification No. 18-A/2021, of June 14, Rectifies the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 74-A/2021, of June 9, that changes the measures applicable in situation of calamity, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 74-A/2021, of June 9, Changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities, in the context of the of the situation of calamity

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 70-B/2021, of June 4, Continues the strategy for lifting lockdown measures, in the context of combatting the COVID-19 disease pandemic

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No.70-A/2021, of June 4, Changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities, in the context of the of the situation of calamity

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 62-A/2021, of May 28, Extends the situation of calamity and changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities, in the context of the situation of calamity

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 62-A/2021, of May 21, Changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities, in the context of the of the situation of calamity

. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 59-B/2021, of May 14, Declares de situation of calamity, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

Order no. 4473-A / 2021, of April 30, Determines the expansion of the scope of the Orders No. 3863-B/2020, of March 27, and 10944/2020, of November 8, which determine that the management of attendances and appointments is done in such a way as to unequivocally guarantee the rights of all foreign citizens with pending proceedings in the Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service — SEF), in the framework of COVID-19.

Decree No. 7 / 2021, of April 17, Regulates the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Order No. 3838-B / 2021, of April 15, Defines the authorized land border crossing points

Order No. 3838-A / 2021, of April 15, Defines the applicable measures for air traffic to and from mainland Portugal

Decree No. 6-A / 2021, of April 15, Regulates the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic No. 114-A / 2021, of April 14, Authorization to renew the state of emergency

Decree of the President of the Republic No. 41-A / 2021, of April 14, Renews the state of emergency, based on the verification of a public calamity situation

Order No. 3516-A / 2021, of April 3, Determines the authorized crossing points at the land border

Decree No. 6 / 2021, of April 3, Regulates the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Order No. 3358 / 2021, of March 28, Defines the measures applicable to air traffic to and from mainland Portugal

Decree No. 5 / 2021, of March 28, Regulates the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic no. 90-A / 2021, of March 25, Authorization to renew the state of emergency

Decree of the President of the Republic No. 31-A/2021, of March 25, Renews the declaration of the state of emergency, based on the verification of a situation of public calamity

Decree No. 22-A / 2021, of March 17, Extends deadlines and establishes exceptional and temporary measures in the framework of COVID-19

Order no. 2807-B / 2021, of March 15, Determines the authorized crossing points at the land border

Order no. 2807-A / 2021, of March 15, Defines the measures applicable to air traffic to and from mainland Portugal

Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 19 / 2021, of March 13, Establishes a strategy for lifting containment measures

Decree no. 4/2021, of March 13, Regulates the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic no. 77-B / 2021, of March 11, Authorization to renew the state of emergency

Decree of the President of the Republic No. 25-A/2021, of March 11, Renews the declaration of the state of emergency, based on the verification of a situation of public calamity

Order No. 2207-B / 2021, of February 26, Determines the authorized crossing points at the land border

Order No. 2207-A / 2021, of February 26, Defines the measures applicable to air traffic to and from mainland Portugal

Decree no. 3-F / 2021, of February 26, Regulates the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic no. 69-A / 2021, of February 25, Authorization to renew the state of emergency

Decree of the President of the Republic No. 21-A/2021, of February 25, Renews the declaration of the state of emergency, based on the verification of a situation of public calamity

Order n.º 1689-D/2021, of February 12, Determines the authorized crossing points at the land border

Order n.º 1689-C/2021, of February 12, Extends the measures applicable to air traffic to and from mainland Portugal

Decree n.º3-E/2021, of February 12, Regulates the State of Emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic n.º 63-A/2021, of February 11, Authorization to renew the State of Emergency

Decree of the President of the Republic n.º 11-A/2021, of February 11, Renews the declaration of a State of Emergency, based on the verification of a public calamity situation

Order No. 124-E/2021, of January 29, Extends the measures applicable to air traffic to and from mainland Portugal

Decree No. 3-D / 2021, of January 29, Regulates the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic No. 14-A / 2021, of January 28, Authorisation to renew the state of emergency

Decree of the President of the Republic No. 9-A / 2021, of January 28, Renews the declaration of the state of emergency, based on the verification of a situation of public calamity

Order No. 1125-D /2021, of January 27, Suspension of flights to and from Brazil and to and from the United Kingdom

Decree No. 3-C / 2021, of January 22, Changes the regulation of the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Decree No. 3-B / 2021, of January 19, Changes the regulation of the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Decree of the President of the Republic No. 3-A / 2021, of January 14, Regulates the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Order  No. 666-B / 2021, of January 14, Extends the measures applicable to air traffic to and from mainland Portugal

Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic No. 1-B / 2021, of January 13, Modifies the declaration of the state of emergency and authorizes its renewal

Decree of the President of the Republic  No. 6-B / 2021,of January 13, Renews the declaration of a state of emergency, based on the verification of a public calamity situation

Decree of the President of the Republic  No. 6-A / 2021,of January 6, Renews the declaration of a state of emergency, based on the verification of a public calamity situation

Decree No. 11-A / 2020, of December 21, Regulates the extension of the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Order No. 12344 / 2020, of December 20, Adopts measures to strengthen the control of the movement of passengers from the United Kingdom in order to prevent the spread of the new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic No. 90-A / 2020, of December 17, Authorisation to renew the state of emergency

Decree of the President of the Republic No. 66-A / 2020, of December 17, Renews the declaration of the state of emergency, based on the verification of a situation of public calamity

Order No. 12202-A / 2020, of December 15, Extension of the measures on air traffic to and from Portugal

Decree No. 11 / 2020, of December 6, Regulates the application of the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic No. 89-A / 2020, of December 4, Authorisation to renew the state of emergency

Decree of the President of the Republic No. 61-A / 2020, of December 4, Renews the declaration of the state of emergency, based on the verification of a situation of public calamity

Order No. 11836-B / 2020, of November 30, Extension of the measures on air traffic to and from Portugal

Decree No. 9/2020, of November 21, Regulates the application of the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic No. 87-A / 2020, of November 20, Authorisation to renew the state of emergency

Decree of the President of the Republic No. 59-A / 2020, of November 20, Renews the declaration of the state of emergency, based on the verification of a situation of public calamity

Order No. 11231 / 2020, of November 13, Extension of the measures on air traffic to and from Portugal

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 96-B / 2020, of November 12, Extends the declaration of the calamity situation, within the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic

Order No. 10944 / 2020, of November 8, Expansion of the scope of Order No. 3863- B / 2020, published in Diário da República (Official Portuguese Republic Journal), Series 2, of March 27 of 2020 – which determines that the management of appointments and schedules shall be made in such a way as to unequivocally ensure the rights of all foreign citizens with pending cases before the Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service – SEF) in the framework of COVID 19

Decree No. 8 /2020, of November 8, Regulates the application of the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic 

Resolution of the Assembleia da República (Assembly of the republic) No. 83-A /2020, of November 6, Authorization of the declaration of the state of emergency

Decree of the President of the Republic No. 51-U / 2020, of November 6, Declares the state of emergency, based on the verification of a situation of public calamity

Decree-Law No. 94-A / 2020, of November 3, Amends the exceptional and temporary measures related to the disease pandemic COVDI-19

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 92-A / 2020, of November 2, Declares the situation of calamity, in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Order No. 10715-F / 2020, of October 30, Extension of the measures on air traffic to and from Portugal

Decree-Law No. 62-A/2020, of October 27, Transitory imposition of mandatory use of mask in public spaces

Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 89-A / 2020, of October 26, Determines the limitation of movement between different municipalities in the continental territory in the period between 00:00 hours on October 30 and 06:00 hours on November 3 of 2020 (Consolidated)

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 88-B / 2020, of October 22, Defines special measures applicable to the municipalities of Felgueiras, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira in the context of the calamity situation

Decree-Law No. 87-A / 2020, of October 15, Amends the exceptional and temporary measures related to the disease pandemic COVID-19

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 88-A / 2020, of September 14, Declares the situation of calamity, in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Order No. 9934-A/2020, of October 14, Extension of the measures on air traffic to and from Portugal

Order No. 9373-A/2020, of September 30, Extension of the measures on air traffic to and from Portugal

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 70-A / 2020, of September 11, Declares the contingency situation, in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Order No. 8777-C / 2020, of September 11, Extension of the measures on air traffic to and from Portugal

Order No. 8391-A / 2020, of August 31, Extension of the measures on air traffic to and from Portugal

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 68-A / 2020, of August 28, Extends the declaration of the situation of contingency and alert, in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 63-A / 2020, of August 14, Extends the declaration of the situation of contingency and alert, in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Order No. 8001-A / 2020, of August 14, Extension of he meausures on air trafic to and from portugal

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 55-A / 2020, of July 31, Declares the situation of contingency and alert, in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Order No. 7595-A / 2020, of July 31, Definition of meausures on air trafic to and from portugal

Order No. 7212-B / 2020, of July 15, Extension of the restrictive measures on air traffic to and from Portugal, with certain exceptions

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 53-A / 2020, of June 14, Declares the situation of calamity, contingency and alert, in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Order No. 6756-C / 2020, of June 30, Extension of the restrictive measures on air traffic to and from Portugal, with certain exceptions

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 51-A / 2020, of June 26, Declares the situation of calamity, contingency and alert, in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Decree-Law No. 28-B / 2020, of June 26, Establishes the administrative offense framework within the context of the calamity, contingency and alert situation

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 45-B / 2020, of June 22, Defines special rules for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area in the context of the calamity situation declared by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 40-A / 2020, May 29, in its current wording

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 43-B / 2020, of June 12, Extends the declaration of the situation of calamity in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Order No. 6251-A / 2020, of June 12, Extension of the ban on air traffic to and from Portugal for all flights to and from countries outside the European Union, with certain exceptions

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 43-A / 2020, of June 12, Extends the restitution, on an exceptional and temporary basis, of the documental control of people at the borders in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Declaration of Rectification No. 23-A / 2020, of June 4, Amends the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 40-A / 2020, of May 29, that Extends the declaration of the situation of calamity in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19, published in the Diário da República No. 105 / 2020, Series I of May 29 of 2020

Decree-Law No. 24-A / 2020, of May 29, Amends the exceptional and temporary measures related to the COVID-19 disease pandemic

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 40-A / 2020, of May 29, Extends the declaration of the situation of calamity in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 38 / 2020, of May 17, Extends the declaration of the situation of calamity in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Decree-Law No. 22 / 2020, of May 16, Amends the exceptional and temporary measures related to the COVID-19 disease pandemic

Order No. 5503-C / 2020, of May 13, Extension of the interdiction on air traffic to and from Portugal for all flights to and from countries outside the European Union, with certain exceptions

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 34-A / 2020, of May 13, Extends the restitution, on an exceptional and temporary basis, of the documental control of people at the borders in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 33-C / 2020Establishes a strategy of lifting lockdown measures in the context of countering the disease pandemic COVID-19

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 33-B / 2020, of April 30, Restores, on an exceptional and temporary basis, an authorized crossing point at the land border

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 33-A / 2020, of April 30, Declares the situation of calamity in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Order No. 2-C / 2020, of April 17, Regulates the extension of the State of Emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Order No. 4698-C / 2020, of April 17, Extension of the interdiction on air traffic to and from Portugal for all flights to and from countries outside the European Union, with certain exceptions

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 22 / 2020, of April 14, Extends the restitution, on an exceptional and temporary basis, of the documental control of people at the borders in the context of the disease pandemic COVID-19

Order No. 2-B / 2020, of April 2, Regulates the extension of the State of Emergency decreed by the President of the Republic

Order No. 3863-B / 2020, of March 27, Under this order, the management of appointments and schedules shall be made in such a way as to unequivocally ensure the rights of all foreign citizens with pending cases before the Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service – SEF) in the framework of COVID 19

Normative Order No. 4 / 2020, of March 25, Determines the creation of a financial support line, aimed at meeting the financial needs of tourist micro-enterprises whose activity is being strongly affected by the economic consequences resulting from the outbreak of the disease COVID -19

Order No. 3659-A / 2020, of March 24, Determines procedures for border control by SEF

Order No. 3659-B / 2020, of March 24, Extension of suspension of flights to and from Italy

Decree No. 2-A / 2020, of March 20, Regulates the application of the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic (Consolidated)

Law No. 1-A / 2020, of March 19, Exceptional and temporary measures to respond to the epidemiological situation caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the disease COVID-19 amended by Law No. 4-A / 2020, of 6 April, Law No. 4-B / 2020, 6 of April, and Law No. 14 / 2020, 9 of May.

Decree of the President of the Republic No. 14-A / 2020, of March 18, Declares the state of emergency, based on the verification of a situation of public calamity

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 10-B / 2020, of March 16, Restores, on an exceptional and temporary basis, the documental control of people at the borders in the context of the epidemiological situation caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 disease

Order No. 3301-C / 2020, of March 15, Adopts extraordinary, temporary and transitory measures, in terms of services for citizens and companies, including consular services outside the national territory, in the context of combating  the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus

Ordinance No. 71/2020, of March 15, Restrictions on access and use of commercial establishments, restaurants or drinking spaces

Declaration of Rectification  No. 11-A / 2020, of March 15, Rectification to Ordinance No. 71/2020, on Restrictions on access and use of commercial establishments, restaurants or drinking spaces

Ordinance No. 71-A / 2020, of March 15, Defines and regulates the terms and conditions for the granting of immediate  support, with extraordinary, temporary and transitory nature, intended for workers and employers affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, in order  to maintain jobs and mitigate business crisis situations (Consolidated)

Dispatch No. 3298-C / 2020, of March 13, Determines the interdiction of disembarkation and the licenses for shore leave of passengers and crew of cruise ships in national ports

Decree-Law No. 10-A / 2020, of March 13, Establishes exceptional and temporary measures regarding the epidemiological situation of the new Coronavirus – COVID 19

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 10-A / 2020, of March 13, Approves a set of measures related to the epidemiological situation of the new Coronavirus  COVID 19

Order No. 2875-A / 2020, of March 3, Adopts measures to safeguard the social protection of beneficiaries who are temporarily prevented from exercising their professional activity by order of the health authority, due to the risk of infection by COVID-19

Access all legislation related to COVID-19 in electronic Diário da República.

Some of the legislation is translated into English.

Access the Legal Translator of the Diário da República Eletrónico.

Alert Situation ( Until 30 September 2022)

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country caused by the COVID-19 disease pandemic, the XIII Government approved, on 26 July 2022, the resolution that extends the alert situation throughout the continental national territory until 23hh59 of 30 September 2022, and introduced amendments to the measures to prevent and combat the pandemic disease COVID-19, in the Decree-Law No. 57-A/2022 of 26 August 2022. The two diplomas have been in force since 27 August 2022.

Thus, the following measures are in force:

It is no longer mandatory the use of masks or visors in public transportation, including air transport and also taxis and TVDE, as well as in pharmacies and in places where this is determined in the rules of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS).

The use of a mask is mandatory in health services, residential facilities, care facilities, or home care services for vulnerable populations or elderly people, as well as long-term care units;

The isolation period for covid-19 infection is five days.

Learn more at covid19estamoson.


Alert Situation (until 31 August 2022)

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country caused by the COVID-19 disease pandemic, the XIII Government approved, on 28 july 2022, the resolution that extends the alert situation throughout the continental national territory until 23h59 of 31 august 2022, keeping unchanged the measures to prevent and combat the pandemic disease COVID-19.

Thus, the following measures remain in force:

  • The use of a mask is mandatory in health services, residential facilities, care facilities, or home care services for vulnerable populations or elderly people, as well as long-term care units;
  • The isolation period for covid-19 infection is five days;
  • The use of a mask is mandatory in public transportation, including air transport, taxis or TVDE;
  • The rules on diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 are no longer in force, it is now provided that its implementation may be determined by the DGS;
  • It is no longer mandatory to fill in the passenger locator form (Passenger Locator Form) by passengers on flights to mainland Portugal or cruise ships when they dock in mainland Portugal;
  • The presentation of the EU Covid Digital Certificate is no longer required, in any form, for access to residential structures and for visits to health care establishments, it is now provided that the DGS is responsible for determining the specific standards and guidelines for the protection of the most vulnerable populations;
  • The presentation of proof of a negative result of a test for Sars-CoV-2 infection, of the EU Covid Digital Certificate, and of a vaccination or recovery certificate issued by other countries, is no longer required on flights to or from Portugal.

Learn more at covid19estamoson.


Alert Situation (until 6 July 2022)

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country caused by the COVID-19 disease pandemic, the XIII Government approved, on 30 June 2022, the resolution that extends the alert situation throughout the continental national territory until 23hh59 of 30 July  2022, and introduced amendments to the measures to prevent and combat the pandemic disease COVID-19, in the Decree-Law No. 42/2022 of 30 June 2022. The two diplomas have been in force since 1 July 2022.

      Thus, the following measures are in force:

  • The use of a mask is mandatory in health services, residential facilities, care facilities, or home care services for vulnerable populations or elderly people, as well as in long-term care units;
  • The isolation period for covid-19 infection is five days;
  • The use of a mask is mandatory in public transportation, including air transport, taxis or TVDE;
  • The rules on diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 are no longer in force, it is now provided that its implementation may be determined by the DGS;
  • It is no longer mandatory to fill in the passenger locator form (Passenger Locator Form) by passengers on flights to mainland Portugal or cruise ships when they dock in mainland Portugal;
  • The presentation of the EU Covid Digital Certificate is no longer required, in any form, for access to residential structures and for visits to health care establishments, it is now provided that the DGS is responsible for determining the specific standards and guidelines for the protection of the most vulnerable populations;
  • The presentation of proof of a negative result of a test for Sars-CoV-2 infection, of the EU Covid Digital Certificate, and of a vaccination or recovery certificate issued by other countries, is no longer required on flights to or from Portugal.

     Learn more at covid19estamoson.


Alert Situation (until 30 June 2022)

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country caused by the COVID-19 disease pandemic, the XIII Government approved, on 30 May 2022, the resolution that extends the alert situation throughout the continental national territory until 23hh59 of 30 June 2022, maintaining the same measures in force set by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 41-A/2022, of 21 April 2022. The diploma comes into force on 31 May.

Thus, the following measures remain unchanged:

  • The use of a mask is mandatory in health services, residential facilities, care facilities, or home care services for vulnerable populations or elderly people, as well as long-term care units;
  • The use of a mask is mandatory in public transportation, including air transport, taxis or TVDE;
  • The rules on diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 are no longer in force, it is now provided that its implementation may be determined by the DGS;
  • It is no longer mandatory to fill in the passenger locator form (Passenger Locator Form) by passengers on flights to mainland Portugal or cruise ships when they dock in mainland Portugal;
  • The presentation of the EU Covid Digital Certificate is no longer required, in any form, for access to residential structures and for visits to health care establishments, it is now provided that the DGS is responsible for determining the specific standards and guidelines for the protection of the most vulnerable populations.

Learn more at covid19estamoson.


Alert Situation (until 31 May 2022)

Information updated on 5 May 2022 Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country caused by the COVID-19 disease pandemic, the XIII Government approved, on 5 May 2022, the resolution that declares the alert situation throughout the continental national territory until 23h59 of 31 May 2022, and introduced amendments to the measures to prevent and combat the pandemic disease COVID-19, in the Decree-Law of 21 April 2022. The diploma have been in force since 6 May 2022.

  • Given the positive evolution with regard to the epidemiological situation in Portugal, the Government has decided to review some of the restrictive measures still in force, namely:
  • The use of a mask is mandatory in health services, residential facilities, care facilities, or home care services for vulnerable populations or elderly people, as well as long-term care units;
  • The use of a mask is mandatory in public transportation, including air transport, taxis or TVDE;
  • The rules on diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 are no longer in force, it is now provided that its implementation may be determined by the DGS;
  • It is no longer mandatory to fill in the passenger locator form (Passenger Locator Form) by passengers on flights to mainland Portugal or cruise ships when they dock in mainland Portugal;
  • The presentation of the EU Covid Digital Certificate is no longer required, in any form, for access to residential structures and for visits to health care establishments, it is now provided that the DGS is responsible for determining the specific standards and guidelines for the protection of the most vulnerable populations.

Learn more at covid19estamoson.


Alert Situation (until 5 May 2022)
Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country caused by the COVID-19 disease pandemic, the XIII Government approved, on 21 April 2022, the resolution that declares the alert situation throughout the continental national territory until 23hh59 of 5 May 2022, and introduced amendments to the measures to prevent and combat the pandemic disease COVID-19, in the Decree-Law of 21 April 2022. The two diplomas have been in force since 22 April 2022.
Given the positive evolution with regard to the epidemiological situation in Portugal, the Government has decided to review some of the restrictive measures still in force, namely:
  • The use of a mask is mandatory in health services, residential facilities, care facilities, or home care services for vulnerable populations or elderly people, as well as long-term care units;
  • The use of a mask is mandatory in public transportation, including air transport, taxis or TVDE;
  • The rules on diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 are no longer in force, it is now provided that its implementation may be determined by the DGS;
  • It is no longer mandatory to fill in the passenger locator form (Passenger Locator Form) by passengers on flights to mainland Portugal or cruise ships when they dock in mainland Portugal;
  • The presentation of the EU Covid Digital Certificate is no longer required, in any form, for access to residential structures and for visits to health care establishments, it is now provided that the DGS is responsible for determining the specific standards and guidelines for the protection of the most vulnerable populations.
Learn more at covid19estamoson.


Alert Situation (until 22 April 2022)
Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country caused by the COVID-19 disease pandemic, the XII Government approved, on 14 April 2022, the resolution that extends the alert situation throughout the continental national territory until 23hh59 of 22 April 2022, maintaining the same measures in force since 19 February 2022 through the Resolution of the Council of Ministers, of 18 February 2022.
Thus, the following measures remain unchanged:
The presentation of a negative test, except for holders of a recovery certificate or a full vaccination certificate with a booster dose, for:
  • Nursing homes;
  • Visits to patients in health care facilities;
  • The use of the mask in indoor spaces where it is currently required, such as public transports, public services, nursing homes, hospitals, supermarkets, educational establishments, day care centres, performance halls and events.
General rules:
  • Keep social distance;
  • Wash hands;
  • Maintain respiratory etiquette.
Learn more at covid19estamoson.


Alert Situation (until 18 April 2022)

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country caused by the COVID-19 disease pandemic, the XII Government approved, on 28 March 2022, the resolution that extends the alert situation throughout the continental national territory until 23hh59 of 18 April 2022, maintaining the same measures in force since 19 February 2022 through the Resolution of the Council of Ministers, of 18 February 2022.

Thus, the following measures remain unchanged:

The presentation of a negative test, except for holders of a recovery certificate or a full vaccination certificate with a booster dose, for:

  • Nursing homes;
  • Visits to patients in health care facilities;
  • The use of the mask in indoor spaces where it is currently required, such as public transports, public services, nursing homes, hospitals, supermarkets, educational establishments, day care centres, performance halls and events.

General rules:

  • Keep social distance;
  • Wash hands;
  • Maintain respiratory etiquette.

Learn more at covid19estamoson.


Alert Situation (until 7 March 2022)

Considering the positive evolution of the epidemiological situation caused by the COVID-19 disease pandemic, the XXII Government approved, on 18 February 2022, the resolution declaring the alert situation throughout the continental national territory until 23h59 on 7 March 2022 — the situation of calamity ceased to apply — and the decree-law amending the measures applicable in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic, determining the lifting of some of the restrictions that still exist. The two diplomas came into force on 19 February 2022.

Thus, and considering that the conditions to ease restrictions are met, the following measures have been eliminated:

  • the containment of risk contacts;

  • the recommended telework;

  • the capacity limits in establishments, equipment and other places open to the public;

  • the requirement to present a digital certificate, except for border control;

  • the requirement of a negative test result for access to major events, sports venues, bars and clubs.

On the other hand, the following remains in force:

  • The presentation of a negative test, except for holders of a recovery certificate or a full vaccination certificate with a booster dose, for:

    • nursing homes;

    • visits to patients in health care facilities.

  • The use of the mask in indoor spaces where it is currently required, such as public transports, public services, nursing homes, hospitals, supermarkets, educational establishments, day care centres, performance halls and events.

General rules:

  • Keep social distance;

  • Wash hands;

  • Maintain respiratory etiquette.

Learn more at covid19estamoson.


Situation of Calamity (until 18 February 2022)

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country, the XII Government approved, on 27 November 2021, the resolution that declares the situation of calamity throughout the continental national territory starting at 00h00 on 1 December to 23h59 of 20 March 2022, and defined a set of preventive measures aimed at containing the growth of the pandemic. On 6 January 2022, the Council of Ministers decided to review and change these measures.

Thus, according to the Resolution approved by the Council of Ministers of 7 January 2022, the new pandemic containment measures that come into effect at 00h00 on 10 January 2022 are:

  • Bars and clubs can reopen on 14 January;
  • Telework is mandatory throughout the national territory until 14 January (it will be recommended from that date);
  • The restrictions regarding the capacity of spaces accessible to the public (maximum capacity of one person for every five square meters of area) are still in place, with the exception of service establishments;
  • At schools:

. Classes restart on 10 January;

. End of class isolations after a positive case detection;

. Testing of teachers and non-teaching staff in the first two weeks, after returning to school.

. Restaurants;

. Tourist establishments and local accommodation;

. Cultural events;

. Events with marked seats;

. Gyms.

  • Presentation of a negative test is mandatory in access to:

. Nursing homes;

. Visits to patients in health care facilities;

. Large events without assigned seats or in improvised venues and sports facilities;

. Sport venues (unless decided by the DGS).

  • Prohibition of the consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads, with the exception of open terraces;
  • Special measures on testing for international flights are extended until 9 February 2022.
  • Remember that, due to the new DGS guidelines, there are also changes in isolation:

. Isolation is now applied only to people with positive results and their cohabitants;

. People with a booster dose are exempt from isolation;

. Isolation is for 7 days.

  • General Rules:

. The use of mask is mandatory in public transports, elderly homes, hospitals, supermarkets, concert halls and events;

. Keep the social distancing;

. Wash your hands;

. Maintain the respiratory etiquette.


Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation in the country, the XII Government approved, on 23 December 2021, the resolution amending the measures under the situation of calamity, introducing a set of new restrictions.
Between 25 December 2021 and 9 January 2022 special measures will be adopted:
  • Mandatory telework throughout the national mainland territory;
  • Bars, drinking establishments without entertainment and establishments with a dance space will be closed;
  • The allocation of spaces accessible to the public must follow indicative maximum occupation rules of 0.20 persons per square metre of area, with the exception of service establishments;
  • The access to tourist or accommodation establishments depends on the presentation of the EU COVID Digital Certificate in the modalities of the test or recovery certificate, or on the presentation of proof of having performed a laboratory test with a negative result;
  • Access to events (namely non-religious New Year's Eve parties or celebrations, family events, including weddings and baptisms, corporate events, cultural events or sports events) depends on the presentation of the EU COVID Digital Certificate in the modalities of the test or recovery certificate, or on the presentation of proof of a laboratory test with negative results, notwithstanding the definition by the health authorities (DGS) about the characteristics of the events where the presentation of those certificates or tests is dispensed.
 Special measures adopted during the Christmas and New Year period (on 24, 25, 30 and 31 December 2021 and 1 January 2022):
  • Limitation of gatherings of more than 10 people in public space and public roads, unless they all belong to the same cohabiting household;
  • Access to restaurants and similar establishments and to establishments of games of chance, casinos, bingos or similar, depends on the presentation of an EU COVID Digital Certificate in the modalities of test or recovery certificate, the presentation of another proof of laboratory performance of a test with a negative result or the performance of a test with a negative result, under the terms to be defined by DGS and Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA);
  • The same requirement is valid to guests of tourist establishments or local accommodation accessing celebrations held in these locations, when proof of a negative test result has been presented for more than 72 or 48 hours, depending on the type of test;
  • The consumption of alcoholic beverages is forbidden in open-air spaces accessible to the public and on public roads, with the exception of open terraces in restaurants and similar establishments licensed for that purpose.
It states:
  • The suspension of school and non-school activities in a face-to-face basis shall cover the period from 27 December 2021 to 9 January 2022;
  • The application of the exceptional family support regime foreseen for the period from 2 to 9 January 2022 will also cover the period from 27 to 31 December 2021.
With regard to consumer protection and sales in promotion, it is established that:
  • The period for the exercise of rights attributed to the consumer, that ends between 25 December and 9 January or within 10 days after that period, shall be extended until 31 January 2022;
  • Commercial practices with price reduction are prohibited in establishments, between 25 December 2021 and 9 January 2022.


Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country, the XII Government approved, on 27 November 2021, the resolution that declares the situation of calamity throughout the continental national territory starting at 00h00 on 1 December, and defined a set of preventive measures aimed at containing the growth of the pandemic in the coming weeks

Thus, from 1 December, the following measures will be adopted for the entire national territory:

Presentation of a COVID Digital Certificate is mandatory to access:

  • Restaurants;
  • Tourist establishments and local accommodation;
  • Events with marked seats;
  • Gyms.

Presentation of a negative test is mandatory, even for vaccinated people, in access to:

  • Restaurants;
  • Nursing homes;
  • Visits to patients in health care facilities;
  • Large events without assigned seats or in improvised venues and sports facilities;
  • Bars and clubs.

General recommendations:

  • Regular testing;
  • Recommended telework regime throughout the national territory, whenever the functions in question allow for it.

Mandatory use of mask in all indoor spaces and in all venues not accepted by the DGS.

At borders:

  • Mandatory presentation of a negative test for all flights arriving in Portugal;
  • Increased penalties for airlines.

The following measures are adopted during the holiday season, which runs from 2 to 9 January:

  • Telework regime is mandatory throughout the national territory;
  • School starts again on 10 January;
  • Closure of bars and clubs.

Type of test:

  • PCR test, performed within 72 hours prior to presentation;
  • Antigen test with laboratory report, performed within 48 hours prior to submission;
  • Rapid antigen test, carried out within 24 hours prior to its presentation in the presence of a health professional or in a pharmaceutical area;
  • Rapid antigen test, carried out at the moment, at the door of the establishment you want to attend, under verification by those responsible for those spaces.


Alert Situation (until 30 november)

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country and given the strategy for the gradual lifting of measures to combat the COVID-19 disease pandemic, the XII Government approved, on 29 October 2021, the resolution that extends the alert situation throughout the continental national territory until 23h59 of 30 November 2021, maintaining the same measures in force since 1 October 2021 through the resolution of 29 September 2021:

  • End of opening hour limits;
  • Public services without prior appointment;
  • Allowed the opening of bars and clubs, upon presentation of a COVID Digital Certificate;
  • End of COVID Digital Certificate requirement for access to restaurants, tourist establishments or local accommodation, bingos, casinos, group classes in gyms, spas and thermal spas;
  • Authorized the operation of restaurants with unlimited number of people per table;
  • End of capacity limits, namely for commerce, cultural shows, weddings and christenings;
  • Allowed the practice of physical activity outdoors and in gyms throughout the continental national territory;
  • Obligation to present the COVID Digital Certificate for travel by air or sea, visits to elderly homes and health establishments, major cultural, sporting or corporate events, bars and clubs;
  • Public transport without capacity limits;
  • The use of masks is mandatory in the use of public transport for passengers, including air transport, residential structures for the elderly, hospitals, theaters and events and large surfaces;
  • Telework is no longer recommended;
  • Testing in workplaces with more than 150 workers is no longer required;
  • End of limitation on the sale and consumption of alcohol.

General Rules:

  • The use of mask is mandatory in public transports, elderly homes, hospitals, supermarkets, concert halls and events;
  • Keep the social distancing;
  • Wash your hands;
  • Maintain the respiratory etiquette.

Learn more at covid19estamoson.

Find the answer to some of the most frequently asked questions about measures taken by the Government to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Contingency Situation (until 30 September 2021)

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country, the XII Government approved, on 20 August 2021, the resolution that declares the contingency situation throughout the continental national territory until 23h59 of 31 August 2021, and advances to the second phase of the gradual lifting of restrictions plan.

Thus, and considering the evolution of the vaccination process, the second phase of lifting of restrictions took effect on 20 August 2021:

  • End of circulation restrictions on public roads;
  • Telework is recommended throughout the national territory, when possible;
  • Allowed the opening of most facilities, establishments and equipments, except clubs, dance or party halls or other similar venues or facilities, and of popular parades, festivals, folklore manifestations or others of any nature;
  • Public services without prior appointment (only from 1 September);
  • Allowed the celebration of weddings and baptisms with a capacity of 75%;
  • Restaurants and similar establishments, or cultural and sports facilities, will operate according to the respective licensing schedule, until 01h00 for admission and 02h00 for closing (according to the rules determined by the health authorities);
  • Allowed the operation of bars and other beverage establishments and beverage establishments without shows, subject to the rules established for the restaurant sector and similar (according to the rules determined by the health authorities);
  • Authorized the operation of restaurants with a maximum of 8 people per table inside, and 15 people per table outside;
  • Allowed the opening of retail establishments according to the respective licensing schedule;
  • Allowed public access to sports events (according to the rules determined by the health authorities);
  • Allowed the operation of cultural events with a capacity of 75%;
  • Public transport without capacity limits;
  • The presentation of a COVID Digital Certificate, or a test with a negative result, is now applicable throughout the mainland national territory for the purpose of serving meals inside restaurant establishments on Fridays from 19h00, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays;
  • Opening of casinos, bingos and other gambling establishments, spas, thermal spas or tourist establishments or local accommodation, upon presentation of a COVID Digital Certificate or a test with a negative result;
  • Allowed the practice of physical activity outdoors and in gyms throughout the continental national territory. Group classes are allowed upon presentation of a COVID Digital Certificate or a test with a negative result;
  • The rules regarding sanitary and public health measures are maintained (including mandatory confinement, use of mask or visor, control of body temperature and testing), as well as measures applicable to air traffic, airports and land, sea and river borders.

Learn about all the stages of the progressive lifting of the restrictions and the related measures.

Type of test:

  • PCR test, performed within 72 hours prior to presentation;
  • Antigen test with laboratory report, performed within 48 hours prior to submission;
  • Rapid antigen test, carried out within 24 hours prior to its presentation in the presence of a health professional or pharmaceutical area, which results in its realization and its result;
  • Rapid antigen test, carried out at the moment, at the door of the establishment you want to attend, under verification by those responsible for these spaces.

General Rules:

  • Keep circulation and travelling to a minimum;
  • Wear a mask;
  • Keep the social distancing;
  • Wash your hands;
  • Maintain the respiratory etiquette.

Learn more at covid19estamoson.

Find the answer to some of the most frequently asked questions about measures taken by the Government to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Situation of Calamity (until 20 August 2021)

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country, the XII Government approved, on 29 July 2021, the resolution that extends the situation of calamity throughout the continental national territory until 23h59 of 31 August 2021, and establishes a plan to gradually lift the restrictive measures.

Thus, and considering the evolution of the vaccination process, the first phase of lifting of restrictions took effect on 1 August 2021:

  • End of circulation restrictions on public roads;
  • Telework is no longer mandatory and is now recommended throughout the national territory, when possible;
  • Reopening of most facilities, establishments and equipments, except clubs, dance or party halls or other similar venues or facilities, and of popular parades, festivals, folklore manifestations or others of any nature;
  • Restaurants and similar establishments, or cultural and sports facilities, will operate according to the respective licensing schedule, until 01h00 for admission and 02h00 for closing (according to the rules determined by the health authorities);
  • Opening of bars and other beverage establishments and beverage establishments without shows, subject to the rules established for the restaurants sector and similar (according to the rules determined by the health authorities);
  • Authorized the operation of restaurants with a maximum of 6 people per table inside, and 10 people per table outside;
  • Allowed the opening of retail establishments according to the respective licensing schedule;
  • Allowed public access to sports events (according to the rules determined by the health authorities);
  • Allowed the operation of cultural events with a capacity of 66%;
  • The presentation of a COVID Digital Certificate, or a test with a negative result, is now applicable throughout the mainland national territory for the purpose of serving meals inside restaurant establishments on Fridays from 19h00, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays;
  • Opening of casinos, bingos and other gambling establishments, spas, thermal spas or tourist establishments or local accommodation, upon presentation of a COVID Digital Certificate or a test with a negative result;
  • Allowed the practice of physical activity outdoors and in gyms throughout the continental national territory. Group classes are allowed upon presentation of a COVID Digital Certificate or a test with a negative result;
  • The rules regarding sanitary and public health measures are maintained (including mandatory confinement, use of mask or visor, control of body temperature and testing), as well as measures applicable to air traffic, airports and land and sea borders and rivers.

The second and third phases of the Restrictive Measures Survey Plan will come into force when 70% or 85% of the population, respectively, is fully vaccinated.

Learn about all the stages of the progressive lifting of the restrictions and the related measures.

Type of test:

  • PCR test, performed within 72 hours prior to presentation;
  • Antigen test with laboratory report, performed within 48 hours prior to submission;
  • Rapid antigen test, carried out within 24 hours prior to its presentation in the presence of a health professional or pharmaceutical area, which results in its realization and its result;
  • Rapid antigen test, carried out at the moment, at the door of the establishment you want to attend, under verification by those responsible for these spaces.

General Rules:

  • Keep circulation and travelling to a minimum;
  • Wear a mask;
  • Keep the social distancing;
  • Wash your hands;
  • Maintain the respiratory etiquette.

Learn more at covid19estamoson.

Find the answer to some of the most frequently asked questions about measures taken by the Government to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Situation of Calamity (until 31 July 2021)

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the country, the XII Government approved, on 8 July 2021, until 23h59 of 25 July 2021, the resolution that extends the situation of calamity throughout the continental national territory and changes the measures applicable to certain municipalities through the resolution approved on 15 July, 2021.

Thus, the majority of the country maintains the restrictive measures imposed presented on 14 June, with the exception of ninety municipalities [check below]:

  • Telework is recommended, when possible;
  • Cafés and restaurants are permitted to be open (limited to groups of 6 people inside and 10 people outside) until 01h00 with last admission at midnight;
  • Commerce fully open on normal hours of service;
  • Allowed the operation of public transport with a capacity of two thirds or at its entire capacity in transport that works exclusively with seating positions;
  • Allowed the operation of cultural events until midnight;
  • Allowed the operation of theaters with a capacity of 50% (outside theaters, only with marked seats and rules determined by health authorities);
  • Sport training levels and modalities which are considered amateur only with marked seats and rules determined by health authorities;
  • Allowed the operation of sport facilities at 33% of attendance capacity (Outside sport facilities, rules as determined by health authorities).

Measures applicable to municipalities with an incidence rate of more than 240 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants (or higher than 480, if considered municipalities of low density) namely the municipalities of Albergaria-a-Velha, Albufeira, Alcochete, Almada, Amadora, Arruda dos Vinhos, Aveiro, Avis, Barreiro, Benavente, Cascais, Elvas, Faro, Ílhavo, Lagoa, Lagos, Lisboa, Loulé, Loures, Lourinhã, Mafra, Matosinhos, Mira, Moita, Montijo, Nazaré, Odivelas, Oeiras, Olhão, Oliveira do Bairro, Palmela, Peniche, Portimão, Porto, Santo Tirso, São Brás de Alportel, Seixal, Sesimbra, Setúbal, Silves, Sines, Sintra, Sobral de Monte Agraço, Vagos, Vila Franca de Xira, Vila Nova de Gaia and Viseu:

  • Circulation on public roads is limited between 23h00 and 05h00;
  • Telework is mandatory, when possible;
  • Cafés and restaurants are permitted to be open (limited to groups of 4 people inside and 6 people outside) until 22h30. On Fridays from 19h00 and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays throughout the day, access to restaurants for indoor dining is only allowed for holders of a digital certificate or negative test;
  • Cultural events allowed until 22h30;
  • Weddings and baptisms permitted at 25% capacity;
  • Commerce open until 21h00 during weekdays, and until 19h00 on weekends and holydays (Food Retail);
  • Commerce open until 21h00 during weekdays, and until 15h30 on weekends and holydays (Non-Food Retail);
  • Medium-risk sport activities are authorized;
  • Outdoor physical activity is allowed for up to 6 people and gyms without group classes;
  • Allowed the holding of events abroad with reduced capacity, to be defined by health authorities;
  • Citizen Shops with face-to-face service by appointment.

Measures applicable to municipalities with an incidence rate of more than 120 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants (or higher than 240, if considered municipalities of low density) namely the municipalities of Alcobaça, Alenquer, Arouca, Arraiolos, Azambuja, Barcelos, Batalha, Bombarral, Braga, Cantanhede, Cartaxo, Castro Marim, Chaves, Coimbra, Constância, Espinho, Figueira da Foz, Gondomar, Guimarães, Leiria, Lousada, Maia, Monchique, Montemor-o-Novo, Óbidos, Paredes, Paredes de Coura, Pedrógão Grande, Porto de Mós, Póvoa de Varzim, Rio Maior, Salvaterra de Magos, Santarém, Santiago do Cacém, Tavira, Torres Vedras, Trancoso, Trofa, Valongo, Viana do Alentejo, Vila do Bispo, Vila Nova de Famalicão and Vila Real de Sto. António:

  • Circulation on public roads is limited between 23h00 and 05h00;
  • Telework is mandatory, when possible;
  • Cafés and restaurants are permitted to be open (limited to groups of 6 people inside and 10 people outside) until 22h30. On Fridays from 19h00 and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays throughout the day, access to restaurants for indoor dining is only allowed for holders of a digital certificate or negative test;
  • Allowed the operation of cultural events until 22h30;
  • Weddings and baptisms permitted at 50% capacity;
  • Commerce open until 21h00;
  • Allowed the practice of all sports, without public;
  • Allowed to practice physical activity outdoors and in gyms;
  • Allowed the holding of outdoor events with reduced capacity, to be defined by health authorities;
  • Citizen Shops with face-to-face service by appointment.

In addition to these restriction measures, the Council of Ministers determined the requirement of a digital certificate or negative test for access to tourist establishments and local accommodation, applicable throughout the continental territory.

Type of test:

  • PCR test, performed within 72 hours prior to presentation;
  • Antigen test with laboratory report, performed within 48 hours prior to submission;
  • Rapid antigen test, carried out within 24 hours prior to its presentation in the presence of a health professional or pharmaceutical area, which results in its realization and its result;
  • Rapid antigen test, carried out at the moment, at the door of the establishment you want to attend, under verification by those responsible for these spaces.

General Rules:

  • Keep circulation and travelling to a minimum;
  • Wear a mask;
  • Keep the social distancing;
  • Wash your hands;
  • Maintain the respiratory etiquette.

Learn more at covid19estamoson.

Find the answer to some of the most frequently asked questions about measures taken by the Government to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

State of Emergency (until april 30 of 2021)

On 6 November 2020, the President of the Republic declared the State of Emergency "based on the confirmation of a public calamity situation".

Following the government's strategy for the gradual and phased lifting of the imposed restrictive measures, and taking into account the assessment of the epidemiological criteria for defining the control of the pandemic, the XXII Constitutional Government decided to proceed as expected in most of the country, except in the municipalities where the risk of transmission is considered high. The following measures were put in to force, effective as of 00:00 on 19 April 2021:

  • Resumption of activities in all stores and shopping centres;
  • Resumption of restaurant activities and similar establishments for the purpose of serving meals with a limit of up to four people per table inside the premises or up to six people per table on terraces and outdoor seating, until 22:30 on weekdays and 13:00 on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays;
  • The opening of citizen stores (Lojas de Cidadão) with face-to-face service allowed;
  • Medium-risk sports are authorized;
  • The opening of cinemas, theatres, auditoriums, concert halls is allowed;
  • Outdoor physical activity is permitted for up to six people;
  • Outdoor events are allowed with a reduced capacity of 5 people per 100 m²;
  • Weddings and baptisms of up to 25% capacity are allowed.

Municipalities with an incidence rate of more than 120 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants will remain in the second phase of the deconfinement plan, namely the municipalities of Alandroal, Albufeira, Carregal do Sal, Figueira da Foz, Marinha Grande and Penela. The measures that remain in force are:

  • The opening of stores with an area of ​​up to 200 m² with a door to the street is allowed;
  • The operation of fairs and non-food markets is allowed (by municipal decision);
  • The use of terraces and outdoor seating is allowed (with a maximum of 4 people per table) until 22:30 on weekdays and until 13:00 on weekends;
  • Low risk sport activities are authorized;
  • Outdoor physical activity is allowed for up to 4 people;
  • Resumption of the operation of gyms without group classes;
  • Functioning of social facilities in the ​​disability domain is allowed;
  • Resumption of in-person secondary and higher education.

In the municipalities of Moura, Odemira, Portimão and Rio Maior, which have an incidence rate of more than 240 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants, the following measures are applied:

  • Closure of terraces and outdoor seating;
  • Closure of stores with an area of ​​up to 200 m² with a door to the street;
  • Closure of gyms;
  • Closure of museums, monuments, palaces, art galleries and similar facilities;
  • Fairs and non-food markets are not allowed;
  • Low-risk sports are not allowed;
  • Commerce through at the door services is allowed;
  • Auto trade and real estate mediation is allowed;
  • Use of hairdressing salons, manicures and similar are permitted by prior appointment;
  • Book and music media stores are allowed to function;
  • The use of public spaces such as parks, gardens, green and leisure areas is allowed;
  • Libraries and archives are allowed to function;
  • Resumption of in-person secondary and higher education.

Learn more about the Deconfinement Plan: Dates and General Rules.

Find the answer to some of the most frequently asked questions about the government's measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to these, the other measures and rules remain in force with the necessary adaptations:

  • Resumption of in-person teaching activities for pre-school education for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic, secondary and higher education in public, private and cooperative education establishments and in the social and solidarity sectors. In the respective age groups, the in-person activities to support family, for curriculum enrichment, as well as activities provided in extracurricular and study centers and similar facilities are allowed;
  • General civic duty to stay at home, except for a set of authorized circumstances, namely: purchase of essential goods and services, execution of professional activities when teleworking is not feasible, attendance to school, compliance with parental responsibility sharing, among others;
  • Mandatory confinement for people with COVID-19 or under active surveillance;
  • Mandatory adoption of the teleworking regime, whenever the work in question allows, teleworking for essential service workers is not mandatory;
  • For pre-school education and for the 1st cycle of basic education, educational and teaching activities are permitted, in person, in public, private, cooperative, social and solidarity education establishments. In these age groups, activities are possible, in person, in support of the family, curriculum enrichment, as well as activities provided in leisure centres, study centres and similar;
  • The activity of establishments of non-essential goods is permitted, exclusively, for the purpose of home delivery or the provision of goods at the door of the establishment, or through the collection of purchased products (order and collect);
  • Food services and similar operations are permitted, for home delivery or take-away;
  • Meetings and consumption of food are forbidden in the vicinity of restaurants and coffee shops;
  • The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in retail establishments, including supermarkets and hypermarkets and in take-aways, from 20:00 to 6:00;
  • Non-food retail and service delivery activities in establishments that are working, close at 21:00 on weekdays and at 13:00 on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays and food retail activities close at 21:00 on weekdays and at 19:00 on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays;
  • By prior appointment, the operation of services provided by hairdressing salons, barbers, beauty institutes and similar establishments is allowed. As well the operation of book sales, music establishments, libraries and archives, automobiles and bicycles sales and, also, real estate mediation services;
  • Attending parks, gardens, green and leisure spaces, garden benches and similar areas are allowed, without preventing the Mayors competencies in these matters;
  • Suspension of judicial deadlines;
  • Closure of “Lojas de Cidadão”, maintaining face-to-face service by previous appointment. The provision of these services through digital means is maintained;
  • Vehicle technical inspection centres may only operate by appointment;
  • A declaration by the employer is required for those who travel on public roads for work reasons;
  • Companies with more than 250 workers, have to send a list of indispensable staff members to work in person to the ACT (Labour Conditions Authority);
  • Physical and sporting activity is allowed, so long as the specific guidelines of the DGS are respected;
  • Closure of senior universities;
  • Promotional sales, campaigns and clearances are forbidden;
  • Police control is reinforced to avoid gatherings, especially in public areas and in the vicinity of schools;
  • Suspension of retail trade and provision of services in establishments open to the public, with the exception of authorized establishments;
  • Operation of public services on a face-to-face basis, by appointment, with the provision of services through digital media and contact centres to be maintained and enhanced;
  • Celebrations and other events, with the exception of religious ceremonies, are forbidden;
  • The possibility for health care establishments of the National Health Service to be able, exceptionally, to hire in resolute terms, up to the limit of one year, of graduatesof foreign higher education institutions in the field of medicine and in the field of nursing, provided that certain requirements are met;
  • The control of people at the land and river borders is maintained until 23:59 on 15 April 2021. All Authorized Crossing Points and the schedules established in the previous period are also maintained.

General Rules:

  • Stay at home;
  • Limit your social contacts to your household;
  • Wear a mask;
  • Stay 2 meters apart from anyone;
  • Wash your hands;
  • Cover coughs and sneezes.

Administrative offense regime, within the scope of the situation of calamity, contingency, aggravates the infractions:

  • Failure to comply with telework is considered a very serious offense;
  • The failure to have a COVID-19 test on arrival at the airport is subject to an offense punishable with a fine of € 300.00 to € 800.00;
  • Fines are doubled during the State of Emergency.

Check COVID19 measures with the renewal of the State of Emergency.

Find out more about the COVID Stayaway app?

Situation of Calamity (until November 8 of 2020)

The XXII Constitutional Government approved, on October of 2020, the resolution that declares the Situation of Calamity throughout the continental national territory from 00:00 hours of October 15 of 2020 and until 23:59 hours of October 31 of 2020.

On October 22 of 2020, the XXII Constitutional Government has determined the limitation of movement between different municipalities in the continental territory between 00:00 hours of October 30 of 2020 and until 06:00 hours of November 3 of 2020.

On this date, it was also approved the Resolution that defines the special measures applicable to the municipalities of Felgueiras, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira within the scope of the situation of calamity and which took effect from 00:00 hours of October 23 of 2020. 

On October 31 of 2020, the XXII Constitutional Government approved the resolution that renews the situation of calamity throughout the entire continental national territoryfrom 00:00 hours of November 4 of 2020 to 23:59 hours of November 19 of 2020, and which, in view of the epidemiological situation in Portugal, extended to other municipalities the special measures that had been established for the municipalities of Felgueiras, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira, introducing some additional changes.

Main measures for the 121 municipalities with a high level of risk 

. The duty to stay at home, except for the set of previously authorized travels;
. All commercial establishments must close at 22:00 hours, with the exception of take away, pharmacies, medical offices and clinics, funeral homes, gas stations and rent-a-car.
. All restaurants must close at 22:30. Maximum group size of 6 people, unless they belong to the same household.
. Prohibition of celebrations and other events involving more than five people, unless they belong to the same household;
. Prohibition of markets and fairs.
. Religious ceremonies and shows are allowed according to the rules of the Portuguese Directorate-General of Health;
. The obligation to adopt telework regime, regardless of the contractual relationship, whenever the functions in question allow for it, and unless the worker is unable. In the impossibility of telework regime, in-office mandatory staggered hours schemes must be applied.

In addition to these, the municipalities with a high level of risk must also observe the national measures with appropriate adaptations. 

National measures

The rule of 5:

. Social distance;
. Washing hands frequently;
. Mandatory use of a face mask;
. Breathing etiquette;
. Stayaway Covid app.

. Mandatory confinement for patients and persons under active surveillance;
. Events and celebrations limited to five people, unless those present belong to the same household;
. Religious ceremonies according to the rules of the Portuguese Directorate-General of Health;
. Restriction of the maximum capacity in commercial establishments of 0,05 people per 2 square meters;
. Closing hours of commercial establishments at 22:00 hours;
. Restaurants: must close at 22:30 hours; maximum occupancy capacity limited to 50%; groups limited to 6 people or 4 people in establishments within proximity of 300 meters of schools and in the food courts of shopping centers; mandatory reservations;
. Prohibition of selling alcoholic beverages at service stations and, after 20:00 hours, at any store;
. Prohibition of the consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads.
. Maximum capacity of 2/3 of passengers in passenger vehicles with a capacity for more than five people, except in cases where all occupants are part of the same household.

Contingency Situation (until October 14 of 2020)

Following the epidemiological situation of COVID-19, the XXII Constitutional Government approved, on September 10 of 2020, the resolution that declares the situation of contingency throughout the continental national territory. This new declaration was in effect from 00:00 hours of September 15 of 2020 and until 23:59 hours ofn September 30 of 2020.

This declaration was renewed on September 24 of 2020, taking effect from 00:00 hours on October 1 of 2020 and until 23:59 hours on October 14 of 2020, and maintaining the same measures in force.

Measures for the continental national territory

. Gatherings limited to 10 people;
. Commercial establishments can only open from 10:00 am (with exceptions);
. Closing hours of establishments can be between 8 pm and 11 pm, subject to municipal decision;
. Shopping centre food court  areas will have a maximum limit of 4 people per group;
. Prohibition on selling alcoholic beverages at service stations and, after 8 pm, in all establishments (except with meals);
. Prohibition of consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads;
. Return to in person classes, between 14 and 17 September;
     - Upgrading the functioning of schools to the new health-orientated reality;
     - Individual contingency plans in all schools;
     - Distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE);
. Plans of action in the case of suspected, positive cases or outbreaks;
. Limitation of four people per group in cafes and pastry shops within proximity (300m) of schools;
. Creation of district emergency brigades to contain and stabilize outbreaks in nursing homes;
. Sporting venues will remain without spectators.

Specific measures for Lisbon and Porto Metropolitan Areas

. Teams organized to work in mirror:
     - Planned rotations between telework and in the office work;
. Mandatory time lags:
     - Offset arrival and departure times;
     - Offset time for breaks and meals;
. Reduction on commuting.

General Measures

. Mandatory confinement for patients and persons under active surveillance.
. The rules regarding physical distance (mask, capacity, schedules and hygiene) are maintained.

Calamity, Contingency and / or Alert Situation (until September 30 of 2020)

Following the epidemiological situation of COVID-19, the XXII Constitutional Government approved, on June 25 of 2020, the resolution that continues the process of Lifting Lockdown started on April 30, declaring, according to the territory, the situation of alert, contigency and calamity from 00:00 hours on July 1 and until 23:59 hours of July 14 of 2020.

This statement, which includes COVID-19 Mitigation Measures, was renewed on July 14 of 2020, taking effect from 00:00 hours on July 15 of 2020 and until 23:59 hours of July 31 of 2020.

On July 30 of 2020, the Council of Ministers approved the continuation of the lifting lockdown maintaining the alert situation throughout the country with the exception of the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, including the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, which passes to contingency situation. This new declaration was in effect from 00:00 hours on August 1, 2020 and until 23:59 hours on August 14, 2020.

On August 14 of 2020, the Council of Ministers approved the resolution that extends the declaration of Contingency in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and Alert in the rest of country. This declaration was in effect from 00:00 hours on August 15 of 2020 and until 23:59 hours on August 31 of 2020.

On August 27 of 2020, the Council of Ministers approved the resolution that extends the declaration of Contingency in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and Alert in the rest of country. This declaration was in effect from 00:00 hours on September 1 of 2020 and until 23:59 hours on September 14 of 2020.

The Contingency Situation applies to the Lisbon Metropolitan Area.

Additional measures:

- The opening hours of retail and service establishments can now be adapted by the mayor of the municipality with territorial authority, subject to a favorable opinion from the local health authority and policy;

. Closing of commercial establishments at 20:00 hours, except:
- Food establishments for meal and take-away service;
- Super and hypermarkets (until 22:00 hours);
- Fuel supply;
- Clinics, doctor’s offices and veterinarians;
- Pharmacies;
- Funeral Services;
- Sports equipment establishments;
- Rent-a-car and rent-a-cargo;
- Establishment inside Lisbon airport.

. Selling alcohol in all establishments after 20:00 hours is prohibited.
. Gatherings limited to 10 people.
. Mandatory containment surveillance by joint teams: Civil Protection, Social Security and Community Health;
Bairros Saudáveis Programme.
. Bars and clubs can reopen as cafes or pastries (until 20:00 hours).

The Alert Situation is declared throughout the continental national territory, with the exception of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area

. Retail and service establishments may open before 10:00 hours.

. Mandatory confinement for patients and persons under active surveillance.
. The rules regarding physical distance (mask, capacity, schedules and hygiene) are maintained.
. Gatherings limited to 20 persons.
. Prohibition of alcohol consumption on public streets.
. Bars and clubs can reopen as cafes or pastries (until 01:00 hours, public access for new admissions until 24:00 hours).
. Fines (in case of violation of the rules in force):
- € 100.00 to € 500.00 (singular persons).
- € 1,000.00 to € 5,000.00 (legal persons).

Get more information about these and other measures.

Access the Information Table of the COVID-19 Mitigation Measures also available in Arabic (ar)Bangla (bn)French (fr)Hindi (hi)Mandarin (zh)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt)Romanian (ro) e Russian (ru).]

State of Calamity (until June 30 of 2020)

In the context of the COVID-19 epidemiological situation, the XXII Government declared State of Calamity throughout national territory until May 17 of 2020 at 23:59 hours. The present declaration took effect on 00:00 hours of May 3 of 2020, and has been extended and modified three times:

on May 17 of 2020, until May 31 of 2020 at 23:59 hours;
on May 29 of 2020, until June 14 of 2020 at 23:59 hours;
on June 12 of 2020, until June 30 of 2020 at 23:59 hours.

The State of Calamity replaced the previous State of Emergency, which was in effect until May 2 of 2020, and defines the measures adopted deemed indispensable for the control of the COVID-19 pandemic.

General measures during the State of Calamity include, among others, the following:

. Mandatory confinement of people sick with COVID-19 or in active surveillance;
. Civic duty to stay home; [revoked on June 1 of 2020;]
. All gatherings with over 20 people are prohibited, unless they belong to the same household; 
. Mandatory use of face masks or visors in public transportation (staff and users), in public services, in schools (staff, teachers and students) and in stores and supermarkets and other services open to the public. The mandatory use of a face mask or a visor is only applicable to citizens over 10 years of age and can be dispensed based on a medical certificate that attests that the person's clinical condition makes it impossible to use.
. Maximum capacity of 2/3 of passengers and mandatory use of a face mask or a visor by occupants in passenger vehicles with a capacity for more than five people, except in cases where all occupants are part of the same household [from June 15 of 2020];

Additionally, other recommendations remain, such as: 

. Hand hygiene and breathing etiquette;
. Physical distance of 2 meters.

On 22 June, 2020, the XXII Constitutional Government defined new special rules for Lisbon Metropolitan Area, which came into force at 00:00 on 23 June, 2020, namely:

. Gatherings reduced to a max of 10 persons, unless they belong to the same household;
. Closing at 20:00 hours of all commercial establishments and services, as well as those found in shopping centers. With the exception of food establishments for the purpose of serving meals and community pharmacies;
. The sale of alcoholic beverages by restaurants for consumption outside the establishment or home delivery is prohibited;
. The sale of alcoholic beverages in service areas or in fuel stations located in the metropolitan area of Lisbon is forbidden;
. The consumption of alcoholic beverages in open spaces of public access is prohibited. With the exception of outside spaces of food and beverage establishments, duly licensed for the purpose, such as terraces, for example;
. Strengthening the operational activity of the security forces and rescue services.
Whoever disrespects the established exceptional norms may incur in a crime of disobedience punished in the Penal Code with imprisonment of up to one year or 120 days of fine.
In May 29, 2020, special limitations were established for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area *, which remain in force until 14 June, 2020, namely:
.Gatherings limited to 10 persons, unless they belong to the same household;
.Maximum capacity of 2/3 passengers and mandatory use of a mask or visor by occupants in passenger vehicles with a capacity for more than five people, except in cases where all occupants are part of the same household;
.Keep shopping centers, Citizen Shops closed, as well as, by municipality decision, stores larger than 400m2 and fairs.
[*revoked from 15 June, 2020.]

The State of Calamity coincided with the approval of a strategy for lifting the lockdown measures (Plan for Lifting Lockdown) in the context of the combat of the COVID-19 pandemic, in a progressive and gradual manner, beginning on May 4 of 2020. 

Find out more about the general measures and the timeline of the Plan for Lifting Lockdown:

Access the Information Table of the Plan for Lifting Lockdown also available in Arabic (ar)Bangla (bn)French (fr)Hindi (hi)Mandarin (zh)Nepalese (ne)Portuguese (pt)Romanian (ro) e Russian (ru).

National State of Emergency (until May 2 of 2020)

On March 18, 2020, the President of the Republic declared the State of Emergency, “based on the confirmation of a public calamity situation”. The State of Emergency covers the entire national territory and lasts for 15 days.

The first period started at 00:00 hours on March 19 of 2020 and ended at 23:59 hour on April 2 of 2020.

The National State of Emergency was renewed for two periods, “based on the verification of a continuing of a public calamity situation”. First, on April 2 of 2020, for another 15 days, until April 17 of 2020, as proposed by the President of the Republic and approved by the Parliament. And then, on April 19 of 2020, for another 15 days, until May 2 of 2020, by the same means as the previous ones.

In this sequence, the XXII Government drafted three decrees that regulated the application of the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic:

Decree No. 2-A / 2020, of 20 March, which covered the entire national territory and entered into force from 00:00 hours on March 22 of 2020.

Order No. 2-B / 2020, of 2 April, which regulated the first extension and entered into force from 00:00 hours on April 2 of 2020.

Order No. 2-C / 2020, of 17 April, which regulated the second extension and entered into force from 00:00 hours on April 18 of 2020.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about the operation of Public Services, also available in English (en)Hindi (hi)Mandarin (zh)Nepali (ne) and Russian (ru) [update in progress].

MAI information leaflet: rules to be followed during the state of emergency

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MAI) released an information leaflet – “State of Emergency | Understand to comply | #stayathome” [also available in Portuguese (pt)] – with the rules to be followed during the state of emergency, in order to prevent the advance of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Leaflet on Services and Contacts of ACM, I.P.


Face-to-face service available without previous appointment
The use of a mask or visor is mandatory

You can still opt for the telephone service, through the Migrant Support Line, app My CNAIM or by e-mail

Migrant Support Line

From 5 March 2022: Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 8 pm, and on Saturday, between 9 am and 5 pm

808 257 257 (landline)

21 810 61 91 (mobile and abroad)

National Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CNAIM)

Face-to-face service available without previous appointment
The use of a mask or visor is mandatory
Av. de França, 316
Edifício Capitólio
4050-276 Porto

Tel: 22 207 38 10
Fax: 22 207 38 17
From Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm

CNAIM Lisboa
Face-to-face service available without previous appointment
The use of a mask or visor is mandatory
Rua Álvaro Coutinho, 14
1150-025 Lisboa

Fax: 21 810 61 17
From Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm

Face-to-face service available without previous appointment
The use of a mask or visor is mandatory
Edifício Administrativo do Parque de Feiras e Exposições Manuel de Castro e Brito
Av. Salgueiro Maia, s/n
7800-552 Beja

Tel: 808 257 257 | 21 810 61 91 (Migrant Support Line)
From Monday to Friday, between 9:00 am and 12:30 pm, and 2:00 pm and 5:30 pm

CNAIM Algarve
Face-to-face service available without previous appointment
The use of a mask or visor is mandatory
Loja do Cidadão
Mercado Municipal, 1.º Piso
Largo Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro 8000-151 Faro

Tel: 808 257 257 | 21 810 61 91 (Migrant Support Line)
From Monday to Friday, between 8:30 am and 5 pm



COVID-19 vaccination: online platform for registration of foreign citizens without a SNS (National Health Service) user number

Information cards on COVID-19 vaccination:

. Arabic (ar)
. English (en)
. French (fr)
. Hindi (hi)
. Mandarin (zh)
. Nepalese (ne)
. Portuguese (pt)
. Romanian (ro)
. Russian (ro)
. Spanish (es)
. Thai (th)
. Ukrainian (uk)

If you have a SNS (National Health Service) user number, please self-schedule your appointment

If you need support with registration and/or self-scheduling, or if you are facing constraints in the process, you can contact us by e-mail:

More information about the COVID-19 vaccination

Lockdown Easing Plan: Schedule and Rules

Lockdown Easing FAQ's

Doctors of the World Portugal' Guide on COVID-19:

. Arabic (ar)
. Bengali (bn)
. English (en)
. Finnish (fi)
. French (fr)
. Fula (ff)
. German (de)
. Hebrew (he)
. Hindi (hi)
. Italian (it)
. Japanese (ja)
. Mandarin (zh)
. Mandinga (man)
. Nepali (ne)
. Netherlands (nl)
. Polish (pl)
. Portuguese (pt)
. Romanian (ro)
. Russian (ru)
. Spanish (es)
. Swedish (sv)
. Tigrinya (ti)
. Turkish (tr)
. Ukrainian (uk)
. Urdu (ur)

IOM’s information leaflet on COVID-19, in more than 30 languages.

IOM's three documents about COVID-19 for migrants, in several languages.

The information presented is purely indicative, with the main purpose  to provide general guidance without exempt, at any case, the consultation with the competent authorities and the use of professional advice regarding the addressed themes

Migrant Support Line

This hotline is working from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Get more information here.

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